April 18, 2024

Unlocking Marketing Magic with AI: How to Be Authentic and Save 40+ Hours a Month

Unlocking Marketing Magic with AI: How to Be Authentic and Save 40+ Hours a Month

How do you navigate the very confusing process of leveraging AI to be massively more efficient in running your business?

In this episode, our guest Menekse a marketing and AI expert shares her journey from starting in SEO to developing a revolutionary AI tool for business leaders. She discusses the evolution of Google's algorithm, the role of AI in creating efficient marketing strategies, and introduces her AI-based solution, Marketing Magic, that helps business owners save significant time on marketing tasks. Manekshi delves into the power of AI in content repurposing and the creation of marketing and sales materials, emphasizing the blend of AI efficiency with human creativity for optimal results. She also touches on the security concerns related to AI avatars and voice replication. Furthermore, Manekshi provides insights into her tech stack, including OpenAI and AssemblyAI, and projects the future of AI in sales and marketing, advocating for a balanced approach to utilizing AI while maintaining genuine customer engagement.

Get a 7-day free trial for Marketing Magic & save 10 hours on your marketing in the next week.

00:48 The Journey from SEO to AI in Marketing

02:19 Showcasing Marketing Magic: A Revolutionary AI Tool

06:02 The Power of AI in Streamlining Marketing Tasks

14:30 Navigating the Ethical and Security Aspects of AI

16:09 Exploring the AI Tech Stack and Future Trends

17:36 The Evolving Landscape of AI in Sales and Marketing

Visit the Remarkable Marketing Website to see all our episodes.

Visit the Remarkable Marketing Podcast on YouTube


00:00 - Marketing and AI

06:58 - AI Marketing Magic Saves Time

18:14 - Evolution of AI in Marketing

25:22 - Embracing Marketing in a Changing World



00:00:00.661 --> 00:00:02.406
Welcome to today's episode.

00:00:02.406 --> 00:00:04.350
Our guest today is Manekshi.

00:00:04.350 --> 00:00:10.628
She is a marketing and AI expert and we are going to talk marketing and AI today.

00:00:10.628 --> 00:00:11.471
Welcome to the show.

00:00:12.179 --> 00:00:13.183
Thank you so much for having me.

00:00:13.183 --> 00:00:14.167
I'm excited to be here.

00:00:15.580 --> 00:00:18.951
You are coming to us all the way from the UK, right?

00:00:19.559 --> 00:00:20.283
Yes, that's right.

00:00:20.283 --> 00:00:21.868
I currently live in London.

00:00:22.100 --> 00:00:26.611
Since we're talking about AI, I might start just by asking you are a real person, right?

00:00:27.179 --> 00:00:28.042
Yes, I am.

00:00:28.042 --> 00:00:37.128
I have opinions about people using AI avatars and giving corporations their physical likeness, but we can maybe talk about that in a little bit.

00:00:38.801 --> 00:00:42.070
I just want to make sure you didn't send your avatar to this podcast interview on your own behalf.

00:00:43.000 --> 00:00:43.743
A hundred percent.

00:00:43.743 --> 00:00:45.770
No, I am absolutely a real person.

00:00:47.920 --> 00:00:48.423

00:00:48.423 --> 00:00:51.173
Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself?

00:00:51.173 --> 00:00:57.468
Give us a minute or two context before we jump into your story about who you are and and what you do?

00:00:58.228 --> 00:00:59.131
Yes, thank you.

00:00:59.570 --> 00:01:13.966
So I currently help small business owners save 40 hours a month or more with their marketing, but prior to that, I started out in SEO back in 2005, rewriting medical articles with all kinds of keywords being stuffed into them.

00:01:14.381 --> 00:01:17.250
But since then I have had a varied journey.

00:01:17.250 --> 00:01:40.941
Seo has taken me into different agencies and businesses as a consultant and as a freelancer agencies and businesses as a consultant and as a freelancer, and then in 2017, when Google updated its algorithm to start to look at more broad match keywords and we could move away a little bit more from the sort of keywords exact match language that we previously would have had to use a lot to get visibility.

00:01:40.941 --> 00:01:55.850
It meant that I was working as a sort of head of marketing for people who have a large body of content so thought leaders, authors, people with a lot of content on a podcast, for instance and started to work a lot more on that side of things.

00:01:55.850 --> 00:02:09.834
The way that the algorithm transitioned meant that I started to do a lot more research into machine learning and AI and abreast of all of the emerging technologies, and then, in 2022, built out Marketing Magic, which brings us to now.

00:02:11.841 --> 00:02:17.739
Sounds like a pretty natural progression from your career, actually so awesome.

00:02:17.739 --> 00:02:24.852
Why don't we jump into your story, tell us about some of the best marketing that you've done, the marketing that you're most proud of.

00:02:24.852 --> 00:02:26.555
Let's hear it.

00:02:27.319 --> 00:02:40.966
Yeah, so I think the progression, as you say, like when you understand how AI feeds on from some of the algorithms and the updates that we've seen and such, it's one of those things that was an inevitability in a lot of ways.

00:02:40.966 --> 00:03:15.687
And when I ran about three different summits over the course of the pandemic and had about 130 interviews with experts and people within a particular niche, and I had briefed my team to repurpose the interviews into blog content and marketing materials, and it was one of those projects that just kept stalling and we were just not getting to the point of having deliverables and it was just incredibly frustrating to be revisiting this stalled project constantly when we were sat on all of this amazing sort of insight and knowledge and wisdom from our experts.

00:03:15.687 --> 00:03:32.955
And so I started to build out a, an AI tool in a Google sheet that talked to OpenAI and that basically repurposed the transcripts into finished marketing materials based on the framework that I was working towards.

00:03:32.955 --> 00:03:45.473
And I was in a business mastermind at the time with a number of people and when I said I've had this breakthrough and I've been able to create this really cool repurposing system, they said we want, we immediately want this.

00:03:45.473 --> 00:03:53.562
So I ended up, basically with about 500 people buying into this early version of what has become marketing magic.

00:03:53.562 --> 00:04:18.427
I built out a funnel system as well that looks at the sales assets, the marketing assets and the core product information that you need to effectively promote and sell your products and services online, and managed to take the process of creating a sales page from something that might take 40 hours of work, plus procrastination time, into something that can be done and executed to a really high level of quality in a couple of hours.

00:04:18.427 --> 00:04:23.240
So the journey to that has been just a really.

00:04:23.240 --> 00:04:34.108
It's not necessarily a campaign that I've run myself, but being able to actually build out my expertise into a system that has gone on to save people an incredible amount of time and an.

00:04:34.127 --> 00:04:55.004
What are the industries that we're excited about and how can we turn the functional stuff into automated systems using AI so that, as marketers, we can get back to having fun with our marketing?

00:04:55.365 --> 00:05:14.485
Because when you get back to being creative, when you get back to having space and capacity to do things that interrupt the typical Facebook ads, that people are seeing the content that people are seeing the content that people are seeing content that is fresh and innovative and that delivers your message in an interesting format or in a new way.

00:05:14.826 --> 00:05:19.427
Those are the things that really help us to stand out and to really set us apart.

00:05:19.427 --> 00:05:29.903
But there is also a need for us to have this functional marketing in our businesses when we're in the online space, because we need to have web pages that effectively communicate to our customers what we're doing.

00:05:29.903 --> 00:05:42.389
We need to have sales pages that answer all the questions that people might have before they take the next step in the customer journey, and and in order for us to be able to do that really well, it costs time or money.

00:05:42.389 --> 00:05:59.249
So, if you're struggling with both or you want to get something up and running quickly, being able to implement your expertise into an AI system is something that can unlock a huge amount of space and creativity elsewhere in the marketing task force, the marketing team, as it were.

00:06:00.973 --> 00:06:06.005
Yeah, so you mentioned earlier it saves people 40 hours of time.

00:06:06.005 --> 00:06:07.218
How does it do that?

00:06:08.423 --> 00:06:13.307
Yes, one of the classic examples is the amount of time it takes to write a sales page.

00:06:13.307 --> 00:06:19.064
So you can actually create a sales page in less than 10 minutes and then if you're doing a rough edit it takes about half an hour.

00:06:19.064 --> 00:06:25.547
We have got people who've told us that would previously take them a minimum of sort of 30 to 40 hours to complete.

00:06:25.547 --> 00:06:36.194
By the time they've completed the customer research side of things, they've documented the product information, they've drafted and ideated a whole lot of messaging around the core marketing message for the product.

00:06:36.194 --> 00:06:46.380
And that doesn't even take into account the copy that you need for thank you pages, for your post delivery emails, for your facebook ads, your blog posts, posts and all of those things.

00:06:46.380 --> 00:07:06.980
So you can upload a product skeleton, so it just pulls out very cool information and then basically, the tool will help you create all of the draft copy assets that you need for a sales funnel from start to finish, including all of the assets that bring traffic to those sales funnels, so your blog posts and your Facebook ads and your social posts, etc.

00:07:06.980 --> 00:07:25.365
The blog posts, for instance, are based on the customer journey for the ideal customers for your product, and it means that you end up with a sort of really strategically crafted set of assets without having to start from scratch and, yeah, get it done as quickly as possible.

00:07:25.706 --> 00:07:39.583
So an example of a funnel is one, but then blog posts and product creation, the creation of lead magnets and setting some of those things up the core bottlenecks for a lot of people are being faced with a task and feeling like it's incredibly overwhelming.

00:07:39.834 --> 00:07:50.584
So if we were to think about the creation of a lead magnet funnel, lots of people will overthink that because they're like I don't know what makes a really high quality asset for my lead magnet.

00:07:50.584 --> 00:07:55.043
And then, how many rounds of men's do we need for the opt-in page and the thank you page?

00:07:55.043 --> 00:07:57.858
Who needs to be involved for the creation of the visual assets?

00:07:57.858 --> 00:08:07.189
And it's really just simplifying and stripping all of that back so that, instead of being stuck in overthinking, instead of being stuck in do I know enough about this to execute?

00:08:07.189 --> 00:08:11.423
We can instead implement and take action and really get momentum.

00:08:11.423 --> 00:08:24.959
And I think that's the thing that AI does allow us to do is take action, regardless of if we feel like we're the expert, because there is something that has access to a huge amount more knowledge than maybe we have ever been exposed to.

00:08:26.442 --> 00:08:35.576
Is the main benefit, that creating stuff from scratch, all these sales and marketing materials like you mentioned that's what seems overwhelming Like.

00:08:35.576 --> 00:08:53.755
When I've had to do that for companies and product launches in the past, people would just say it's going to take a lot of time to just create all the materials you were mentioning, like the landing pages and all of the sales assets and all of the social media posts, everything like that.

00:08:53.755 --> 00:08:57.567
If you're creating it all from scratch, having done that in the past, that's the heavy lift.

00:08:57.567 --> 00:09:03.787
Is it that the system you created, an ai, gets it so that it does a lot of the heavy lifting but maybe not all of it?

00:09:03.787 --> 00:09:07.293
Does it get it people like 60, 70, 80, lot of the heavy lifting but maybe not all of it?

00:09:07.293 --> 00:09:10.263
Does it get people like 60, 70, 80% of the way there?

00:09:10.263 --> 00:09:11.866
And then they may have to finesse it a little bit?

00:09:13.095 --> 00:09:27.582
Yes, I would always set an expectation that AI can get you 70 to 80% of the way there when it's really well optimized, but you are always going to want to have humans involved in finessing and editing and having sort of responsibility for the final draft.

00:09:27.582 --> 00:09:32.937
Ai has a tendency to hallucinate things, so that's why we see a lot of issues with like factual accuracy.

00:09:32.937 --> 00:09:38.557
Obviously, plagiarism and duplicate content are always an issue for people in the content marketing space anyway.

00:09:38.557 --> 00:09:59.934
So when you're using AI and the success of getting 70% of the way there is the power of it, and then the last 30% is adding in the sort of anecdotes and the things that are specific to your industry and making sure that anything that is referenced is factually accurate, especially for scientific or research based pieces.

00:09:59.934 --> 00:10:11.397
I think that, especially when you're in the smaller business side of things, it's different at an enterprise level because often your brand assets and your tone of voice and your brand guidelines are much more built out.

00:10:11.397 --> 00:10:34.778
But when you're working on the sort of under five million revenue a year, for instance, one of the biggest issues for people hitting a ceiling where they can no longer scale their business is that too much of the business and product knowledge is tied up in the business owner's head and the amount of time it would take to pull that out as a marketer is a substantial investment for that person, for that business owner, for that team.

00:10:34.778 --> 00:10:49.884
And so, with AI, what we can do is pull out some of that information by basically taking the skeleton information about the industry, about the person's business, and then being able to fill in some of the gaps information about the industry, about the person's business, and then being able to fill in some of the gaps.

00:10:49.884 --> 00:10:57.245
So it just you end up with a much higher quality marketing asset because you've got customer insights and things like that.

00:10:57.285 --> 00:11:04.424
Yes, they are AI generated insights, but you've got some of this information that previously you would have had to do a whole load of market research.

00:11:04.465 --> 00:11:06.455
You would have had to do voice of customer interviews.

00:11:06.455 --> 00:11:07.682
You would have had to do a huge amount of market research.

00:11:07.682 --> 00:11:08.739
You would have had to do voice of customer interviews.

00:11:08.739 --> 00:11:16.397
You would have had to do a huge amount of research and legwork when it comes to messaging and competitive analysis and things like that that just previously took a lot of manual legwork.

00:11:16.397 --> 00:11:37.563
So when you are using a tool like Marketing Magic, the gaps that it's filling in are allowing you to get to the end result of high quality marketing assets without requiring your client, for instance, to be able to exactly tell you what they need, because when you're working with clients, they don't necessarily know what they need.

00:11:37.563 --> 00:11:40.763
They just know they want their business to grow or they want their marketing to be better.

00:11:40.763 --> 00:11:50.066
They don't need to be able to provide all of that knowledge, because we can iterate and ideate at a much faster pace when we're using generative AI in our workflows and systems.

00:11:51.707 --> 00:11:53.870
So the process you were just describing.

00:11:53.870 --> 00:12:04.460
I've used AI on marketing projects that previously, in the days of pre-gen AI, would take me two weeks, pre-gen AI would take me two weeks.

00:12:04.460 --> 00:12:18.436
I've been able to do it in two days with AI by giving AI 200 prompts over two days I could refine everything, things to get it to where it needed to be.

00:12:18.436 --> 00:12:41.923
That if I was doing it all from scratch all the things you mentioned, the research, the customer interviews, all of that, all of those things which are always valuable, but this just takes a lot of time it really can streamline it, but it's not that AI can just do it all magically for you, which is the hyperbole that some people go to, or that it can just replace people.

00:12:41.923 --> 00:12:48.619
Not really, because that 20% or 30% that you have to massage it makes all the difference in the world.

00:12:48.745 --> 00:12:59.076
My favorite thing is that, beyond hallucinating and just putting in things that are not true, it also has a tendency to not be in some ways very authentic.

00:12:59.076 --> 00:13:07.030
Like it throws in words, like Eric is a virtual maestro or virtuoso of marketing.

00:13:07.030 --> 00:13:10.839
It just really goes too far with some of the adjectives.

00:13:10.839 --> 00:13:21.486
It would say things in such a way that you, would a human would never write it and it also doesn't always get in all of the great stories and experiences that you want to weave in.

00:13:21.486 --> 00:13:29.932
But if it can get in 80% of it and you can add that other 20%, that's probably where you get massive benefits, like 40 hours right.

00:13:30.432 --> 00:13:31.374
Yeah, 100%.

00:13:31.374 --> 00:13:43.379
And for a lot of people as well, we've got workflows feature where basically it's something like take all the sales funnel, it'll give you the exact things that you need to do to get the sales funnel from like idea to implemented.

00:13:43.379 --> 00:13:54.535
So instead of getting stuck, you know, for people using chat gpt, it's fine if you know exactly what you need to be doing, but if you still are trying to figure out what the next step is, it still takes a long time.

00:13:54.535 --> 00:14:07.600
But some of the time that people are saving is that they're able to just take action a lot more quickly and they've not got the context switching gaps in between tasks, because they're able to just get on with the next thing and get it done and dusted.

00:14:07.600 --> 00:14:10.815
So instead of something taking them eight hours, it's taking them two hours.

00:14:10.815 --> 00:14:28.754
But also for things like content, repurposing some of those tasks where it is collapsing time and taking a one hour task and turning it into a five or seven minute task, and there are other things where it's just allowing you to move on very quickly to the next thing without having to stop and think okay, what have I done?

00:14:28.754 --> 00:14:33.835
Everything that I need to do at this point, just to speak to your point about AI and the story side of things.

00:14:34.034 --> 00:14:35.666
It ties in with the avatar a little bit as well.

00:14:35.666 --> 00:14:45.681
But one of the things with Marketing Magic is that you can use your own OpenAI API key so that your data is excluded from the future learning of language models.

00:14:45.681 --> 00:15:00.255
That's particularly for people who've got books or who have got any kind of expertise or thought leadership, where they don't necessarily want to put their intellectual property into ChatGPT and have it be informing future versions of GPT.

00:15:00.255 --> 00:15:16.169
But we don't want AI to be able to give us a completely finished marketing asset that reflects exactly how we sound with our stories and our anecdotes and our experiences, because if AI can do that, it knows too much about us and it becomes a security risk.

00:15:16.630 --> 00:15:23.232
The same thing with avatars and there's a huge issue at the minute in the UK with people recording your voice.

00:15:23.232 --> 00:15:33.600
When you answer the phone to a spam caller, they'll record a bit of your voice and then they'll replicate your voice using AI and use it to call your contacts and basically get money out of your family.

00:15:33.600 --> 00:15:35.147
It's like one of the scams that's going around.

00:15:35.147 --> 00:15:40.446
But that kind of biometric data with our voices and our appearances going around.

00:15:40.446 --> 00:15:42.370
But that kind of biometric data with our voices and our appearances.

00:15:42.370 --> 00:16:05.708
We want to think twice before we give our likeness to an AI avatar company, because lots of us use facial recognition to open our phones and that kind of thing, and so we just want to be super cautious about how much of ourselves we're giving to AI in order for it to replicate our tone of voice, because that potentially can become a security risk down the line, and it's just something that, especially as business owners, we want to be particularly cautious of.

00:16:08.192 --> 00:16:09.095
I think that's important.

00:16:09.095 --> 00:16:13.551
What is the tech stack for AI that you're using?

00:16:13.551 --> 00:16:15.356
Is it largely based on OpenAI?

00:16:15.356 --> 00:16:18.027
Are there other tools that you encourage people to use?

00:16:18.929 --> 00:16:29.769
Yeah, so we've been using OpenAI as the sort of default because it has a relatively easy interface for getting your own API key and accessing that side of things.

00:16:30.211 --> 00:16:39.956
We use Assembly AI for the speech to text and audio transcription because they have a fully encrypted process that is like HIPAA compliant.

00:16:39.995 --> 00:16:49.011
So it's, in my opinion, one of the best speech-to-text AI companies out there and at the moment we're doing quite a lot to implement Chord.

00:16:49.011 --> 00:16:55.602
We've got it ready to go, but Anthropic are a little bit sensitive around banning people's accounts with that automated banning system.

00:16:55.602 --> 00:17:01.678
At the moment we're just waiting for that bug to be ironed out on Anthropic's side before we roll that out as a feature more widely.

00:17:01.678 --> 00:17:12.596
But we want to be able to give people the option to choose which language model they want to use so that we don't end up in a situation where OpenAI has the monopoly on the LM side of things.

00:17:12.596 --> 00:17:16.867
There's also some interesting language models that are being built in Europe at the moment as well.

00:17:16.867 --> 00:17:34.173
Cord is the sort of next feature and has been particularly good for really long form content and it's a lot more consistent if you were to take like a two hour transcript and repurpose it the quality of the result that you get from CORD is typically much better than the quality of content that you get from GPT-4.

00:17:36.944 --> 00:17:39.326
So how do you think things are going to evolve?

00:17:39.326 --> 00:17:47.592
We were talking about the evolution from SEO to machine learning, to AI on your journey of your career.

00:17:47.592 --> 00:17:53.556
How do you think this is going to evolve with AI doing sales and marketing?

00:17:53.596 --> 00:18:02.241
work purpose of AI when it is applied in a way that frees up time and creativity.

00:18:02.241 --> 00:18:09.930
It's a really it's a cool thing to think about the way it can automate some of the mundane work.

00:18:09.930 --> 00:18:13.258
I think that as a society, we have got a lot of work to do around how we define intelligence.

00:18:13.258 --> 00:18:32.376
A lot of people feel threatened by artificial intelligence because we have quite a narrow view of what human intelligence looks like and it has been very much like cognitively focused and obviously AI can replicate some of the cognitive decision making processes of humans, but you always have got to have a sort of human expert to guide those systems.

00:18:32.376 --> 00:18:55.950
At the moment in particular, I think when we see the quality of GPT deteriorating over the course of a few months because of the amount of time people are using it, we can see that the quality of GPT deteriorating over the course of a few months because of the amount of time people are using it, we can see that the quality of the technology has still got a really long way to go in order for it to train itself, to make itself better, without the way that humans are interacting with it negatively impacting the quality of the results.

00:18:55.950 --> 00:18:58.776
I think that, as business owners.

00:18:58.776 --> 00:19:09.386
We need to be really focused on the contextual environments that we're creating for our customers and our clients and the people who are coming into our business spaces as marketers.

00:19:09.386 --> 00:19:15.038
There has been a focus on personalization and on what it looks like to create user journeys.

00:19:15.038 --> 00:19:29.211
Especially over the last five years, we've seen a lot of the sort of bigger tech companies talking more about customer flywheels and thinking about your customer ecosystem a lot more and moving away from some of that funnel language that was really popular in the like tens.

00:19:29.211 --> 00:19:37.681
With the idea of the customer journey and this creation of personalization, what we're doing is creating context for people.

00:19:37.681 --> 00:20:01.576
We're making sure that we have given them the answer that is relevant to exactly what they need to know right now in order to make the next step in the customer journey, in order to make the next step when it comes to engaging with our businesses and organizations, and so that creation of context is something that is going to set our marketing apart from the marketing that is done using AI and expecting it to do all of the legwork.

00:20:01.965 --> 00:20:16.717
We need to be able to create a contextual framework and deliver content and messages to our customers that improves trust and improves that relationship at every stage, regardless of what technology is doing and how it can help us to reach that goal.

00:20:17.066 --> 00:20:23.313
But I do think that as far as this, especially for the next two to five years, we're moving away from content.

00:20:23.313 --> 00:20:24.740
People are overwhelmed with content.

00:20:24.740 --> 00:20:31.446
People don't want to go to google and put a search in and have to filter through 16 million search results to find exactly what it is that they need.

00:20:31.446 --> 00:20:40.671
Ai isn't currently going to answer that like exactly in terms of the way that large language model technology works.

00:20:40.671 --> 00:20:43.650
It always has to be connected to a search engine.

00:20:43.650 --> 00:20:45.835
You see that with ChatGPT and their Bing integration.

00:20:45.835 --> 00:21:04.749
But what we can see from that and what we can deduct from that is the amount of overwhelm that is out there in the collective internet user base and we need to respond to that and make sure that our marketing is putting the effort in to guide people and to bring them to the point that they're ready to engage with us at commercial level.

00:21:06.592 --> 00:21:12.009
I've never thought for the last 20 years that Google was the be-all, end-all product.

00:21:12.009 --> 00:21:19.053
When you type something in and you get millions of results back and you have to filter through it to find the answer, that never felt like the best thing.

00:21:19.053 --> 00:21:20.275
Was it better than Yahoo?

00:21:20.275 --> 00:21:22.846
Yes, because it wasn't full of ads.

00:21:22.846 --> 00:21:28.663
But people are actually surprised that AI is changing how people search.

00:21:28.663 --> 00:21:34.227
Because it wouldn't be better just to get to the answer you want instead of sorting through a million pages of junk?

00:21:34.227 --> 00:21:41.009
It's not really a big shock that it's going to change the internet behavior of how people search for things.

00:21:41.028 --> 00:21:45.511
The question used to be whatever your question, google has the answer.

00:21:45.511 --> 00:21:58.416
I don't know if we're quite to the point of whatever your question ChatGPT has the answer yet but I certainly think it's a better experience and that's why Google and Bing is evolving, and I think it's a good evolution.

00:21:58.416 --> 00:22:14.826
Actually, the one thing that I'm curious about is if you think that there should be something like people can decide when they're doing a search if they want to search for AI generated material or if they only want to search for human generated material.

00:22:14.826 --> 00:22:16.951
Do you think that will be a thing?

00:22:18.534 --> 00:22:32.951
Yeah, I think that we are going to have to label AI generated content a lot more clearly, because I think that user trust is already being impeded a little bit with whether something is AI generated or whether it is human generated.

00:22:32.951 --> 00:22:36.428
So I think labeling is a really good way of adding transparency to that.

00:22:36.428 --> 00:23:01.278
I think that, as far as like search is concerned, we're seeing Google's in their sandbox the generative search experience where they are pulling like the top three results and then they're using generative AI to summarize effectively what was in those top three pages, so that you end up in a zero click search situation where none of those three sources has gotten traffic from the fact that Google has referenced them and linked to them in that top bit of the search engine.

00:23:01.278 --> 00:23:07.406
I think we're going to start to see a lot more issues with the credit that is being given.

00:23:07.406 --> 00:23:24.412
So if Google is using three different businesses source content and, yes, they're being referenced, but users aren't clicking through to it, where is the motivation for us, as business owners and marketing departments, to spend time and energy in creating these pages for Google not to send the traffic over to them?

00:23:24.412 --> 00:23:33.346
So I think that there's definitely going to be a shift in terms of people's tolerance levels and what it looks like for original content to be created.

00:23:33.846 --> 00:23:38.678
I do think that there needs to be attention in however that is rolled out.

00:23:38.678 --> 00:23:42.192
Let's say, if you only search for human generated or only search for AI.

00:23:42.192 --> 00:23:53.707
There's a lot of people who are doing incredible things and have an incredible message and they might be using AI to help with the text-based element of whatever their content page is.

00:23:53.707 --> 00:24:05.972
And I think if it was to be a totally black and white contrast between human generated results, ai generated results that filtered out any content, that was that that used AI in the creative process.

00:24:05.972 --> 00:24:23.846
That is potentially going to put a lot of people at a disadvantage and a lot of businesses at a disadvantage who previously were not necessarily doing as good of a job at their marketing as they are now with the support of AI, because of resourcing, because of team capacity and all of that good stuff.

00:24:24.166 --> 00:24:58.026
But I would just encourage anyone who's in marketing to feel super comfortable to lean into what you know to be true about your industry and the way that your clients, your consumers, the business that you work for exists in your space, and to be able to speak up and advocate for the way that you show up online, moving forwards as the internet is changing, because we don't know what the future is going to look like, but we do know for sure that it is going to be changing quickly and we're going to be seeing a lot of things happening over the next three to five years that are completely new to all of us.

00:24:58.026 --> 00:25:13.811
So if we feel comfortable in who we're serving, what we're doing and what our businesses and our organizations are all about, it allows us to show up with confidence, even though there is a lot of fluctuation and we might not have the most amount of platform knowledge in the face of some of these changes.

00:25:14.545 --> 00:25:17.492
It certainly is going to be fun to see how this evolves, for sure.

00:25:17.492 --> 00:25:25.053
Thank you so much for joining us today and sharing all these insights into the wonderful world of AI and sales and marketing.

00:25:25.053 --> 00:25:34.007
I'm going to link to your company's website and your LinkedIn so if people want to learn more about the marketing magic that you're doing, they can reach out and get in touch.

00:25:34.007 --> 00:25:36.049
We appreciate you being with us today.

00:25:36.664 --> 00:25:37.871
Thank you, thanks for having me.

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Menekse Stewart

Founder & AI Marketing Specialist

Menekse Stewart is an award-winning AI & marketing specialist, and the creator of Marketing Magic, an AI-powered business growth tool that helps thousands of small business owners save 40+ hours a month.