Aug. 12, 2024

Maximizing Marketing ROI with Strategic Focus, Evolving Tactics, and Doing More with Less

Maximizing Marketing ROI with Strategic Focus, Evolving Tactics, and Doing More with Less

Discover how to transform your marketing efforts into powerful investments that yield incredible returns. Join us as we chat with Caroline Crawford, a marketing communications veteran with over 13 years of experience. Caroline shares profound insights, including a striking case from the wellness industry where reducing marketing efforts by half led to a remarkable boost in engagement and leads. Learn why concentrating on what aligns with your brand's core message and the channels your team loves can sometimes mean doing less to achieve more.

Ever wondered how to keep up with the ever-changing world of marketing? Caroline explores the shifting dynamics of marketing channels, the rising costs of platforms like Google and LinkedIn, and the latest changes in email marketing regulations. She highlights the essentials of a strong foundation—like a well-optimized website and efficient sales workflows—to ensure your advertising efforts truly pay off. Gain clarity on the nuances of SEO and the specialized knowledge needed to stay ahead of Google's algorithm changes, all while prioritizing your marketing goals effectively.

Struggling to make the most out of limited marketing resources? Caroline offers practical strategies for maximizing content impact, including how to repurpose a single article into a month's worth of engaging material. She emphasizes the critical need for setting clear goals, whether it's generating leads or building brand awareness. Plus, get a sneak peek into the future with insights on the rising influence of AI tools in marketing and the importance of discerning which new technologies will genuinely connect with your audience. This episode is packed with actionable advice to streamline your marketing strategies and boost your ROI.

Check out Caroline's web site and podcast 

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00:00 - Maximizing Marketing ROI Through Strategic Focus

08:09 - Navigating Evolving Marketing Channels and Tactics

14:28 - Streamlining Marketing Strategies for Efficiency

20:04 - Marketing Momentum Sessions Offer Exclusive Discount



00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:01.741
Welcome to today's episode.

00:00:01.741 --> 00:00:13.355
Today we are talking about marketing as an investment and how to get the best ROI on your marketing, and we have a fantastic guest today, Caroline Crawford.

00:00:13.715 --> 00:00:14.416
Welcome to the show.

00:00:14.416 --> 00:00:16.986
Hi Eric, Thank you so much for having me.

00:00:16.986 --> 00:00:17.888
I'm excited to be here.

00:00:19.059 --> 00:00:25.353
So why don't we start off by you sharing just a minute or two about who you are, what you've done, what you're doing?

00:00:26.100 --> 00:00:27.443
Yeah, thanks for having me.

00:00:27.443 --> 00:00:30.832
Yeah, so I've been in marketing communications for over 13 years now.

00:00:30.832 --> 00:00:43.823
I started Cultivate Communications and we specialize in developing and optimizing marketing functions for businesses by providing focus and structure around their brand, sales and marketing and making sure all of that's connected.

00:00:43.823 --> 00:00:59.511
My specialty, my wheelhouse, the reason I love marketing, is because of how it can all all these different components connect and really great at the vision of it all and then as well as how do we bring it all to life and bringing that brand's voice to life.

00:01:01.960 --> 00:01:03.045
That is very important.

00:01:03.045 --> 00:01:05.522
That is a challenge that many businesses face.

00:01:05.522 --> 00:01:06.763
How do you bring it to life?

00:01:06.763 --> 00:01:08.204
How do you get that momentum?

00:01:08.204 --> 00:01:10.987
So we're ready to be inspired.

00:01:10.987 --> 00:01:19.016
Why don't we start by you sharing a story about some of the best marketing you've done, the marketing that you're the most proud of?

00:01:20.177 --> 00:01:33.572
Yeah, I think something that happens a lot with businesses is that they try to do too much when it comes to marketing and it ends up diluting their message and their branding and their strategy, like it's.

00:01:33.572 --> 00:01:47.445
They think it's all connected because they're spread out in all these areas, but ultimately it's leading back to essentially not providing a lot of great results for them, and then they're starting to burn out, they're starting to get feel hopeless.

00:01:47.445 --> 00:02:05.225
So I did have a company that was in the wellness space, that they were doing everything across the board Anything you can think of posting videos on YouTube, on every social media channel, publishing articles, doing the email newsletters, all the things and they were like my marketing is just not working.

00:02:05.225 --> 00:02:15.550
And they had invested in marketing before and just were doing all the recommendations that whatever, whoever they were working with before me were doing.

00:02:15.550 --> 00:02:20.122
And so by the time they reached me, they were really fed up.

00:02:20.122 --> 00:02:22.242
I was essentially their last dying hope, if you will.

00:02:22.242 --> 00:02:23.984
I was essentially their last dying hope, if you will.

00:02:23.984 --> 00:02:30.447
And upon talking with them, I started asking questions what do you like doing?

00:02:30.447 --> 00:02:34.969
Where do you feel that you're able to get more of your message out?

00:02:34.969 --> 00:03:01.079
Just trying to pinpoint, putting less attention on the specifics of the channels that they were working with, at least for right then in that moment and asking and trying to get to understand them and their brand, and what I started to uncover was that, because they're in wellness, the articles made a lot of sense for them and their approach to their YouTube videos weren't really aligning.

00:03:01.079 --> 00:03:08.914
Just because of how they were approaching them it was very forced, so therefore, anyone watching it it was not a very compelling video and things like that.

00:03:08.914 --> 00:03:10.479
Their Instagram.

00:03:10.479 --> 00:03:26.356
They weren't putting thought into how they can prolong the effort that their articles provided them and really bring it into something that fueled these other channels.

00:03:26.918 --> 00:03:32.760
I was actually talking to the CEO and I was asking her these personal questions what do you like to do personally?

00:03:32.760 --> 00:03:36.972
Where do you like to spend your time in terms of these things that you're creating?

00:03:36.972 --> 00:03:42.091
And she even stopped me at one point saying I don't know, just tell me what to do.

00:03:42.091 --> 00:03:53.675
And I was like you are here because you followed everyone else's advice without really understanding who your brand was and what you like to do and what was authentic.

00:04:07.020 --> 00:04:14.683
Double down on what it is that actually aligns with your brand and that allows you to better communicate your messaging to better educate the audience that you're with, and we're going to cut out everything that doesn't align.

00:04:14.683 --> 00:05:00.682
So I actually we scaled her efforts, I think, by 50% at least, so where she was no longer burned out, her team was no longer burned out and they everything had a purpose of her articles started to fuel her emails, her we scaled back on certain social media channels, the YouTube videos and the strategy around that shifted to be a supplement or amplifier of the articles as, like that, core content driver and within a month of scaling her efforts back 50% versus adding she started seeing an increase in engagement in her emails, engagement on her social media posts, leads coming in and I think it just goes to show that, like, sometimes less is more in all of this.

00:05:00.682 --> 00:05:05.180
So that is one of my most favorite marketing stories in all of this.

00:05:05.201 --> 00:05:06.343
So that is one of my most favorite marketing stories.

00:05:06.343 --> 00:05:18.134
So the privilege of focus is what you're saying, because if you try to do everything, you're really a master of nothing, right?

00:05:18.175 --> 00:05:19.160
Yeah, in some ways yeah.

00:05:21.939 --> 00:05:22.600
And it seems counterintuitive too.

00:05:22.620 --> 00:05:33.295
Yeah the temptation is to get out there and do everything, because people have different experiences and will give advice say the email marketing has been great for me, or Google advertising has been great for me, or blogging has been great for me.

00:05:33.781 --> 00:05:41.735
And the reality is that for different businesses, certain channels or certain tactics can be their number one biggest driver.

00:05:41.735 --> 00:05:45.588
But that doesn't necessarily apply that it should be the case for all businesses.

00:05:45.588 --> 00:06:11.129
And the thing that I've seen is that if people look across all the things they're doing, like you were saying, everything may directionally work, like you may win business across a lot of channels, but when you look at the ROI or marketing as an investment, what you start to see is you start to see the ROI in certain channels or certain tactics is much higher than others.

00:06:11.129 --> 00:06:15.324
The idea to focus on the ones where it's really working.

00:06:15.324 --> 00:06:20.048
Some of the ways I talk to people about this is tell me what's actually working the best.

00:06:20.048 --> 00:06:24.144
What are the one or two things you're doing that is working the best?

00:06:24.144 --> 00:06:31.329
It's a different flavor of what you asked of what do you like doing, because if you don't like doing it, then it's probably not going to be the best channel.

00:06:31.980 --> 00:06:38.213
Yeah, for sure, and I think people look see ROI as like almost it's very quantitative, understandably.

00:06:38.213 --> 00:06:44.124
But for in the case of just these articles, you invest more time, money and energy into creating these articles.

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You invest more time, money and energy into creating these articles.

00:06:45.617 --> 00:07:04.132
That articles then makes it quicker and less, probably costs less and probably more effective to fuel all these other channels, because you can then repurpose that article into an email, repurpose that into social media posts and it can just fuel all these different places and be very cohesive.

00:07:04.132 --> 00:07:09.824
And so the ROI could look very different than what I think some business leaders have in mind.

00:07:11.625 --> 00:07:27.461
Yeah, I think that it's interesting how marketing is evolving and that the channels and the tactics that people use today, the ROI they can get from those things, is also evolving.

00:07:27.461 --> 00:07:38.875
For example, advertising is getting a lot more expensive on Google, on LinkedIn, and so that's something people need to think about is does it still make as much sense as it did even a couple of years ago?

00:07:38.875 --> 00:07:41.800
Other channels like email marketing.

00:07:41.800 --> 00:08:01.795
It used to be that you could send emails to people even if they hadn't opted in, and you would still get a pretty good result, but now things have evolved, that's not really a viable tactic anymore by the numbers, and so I think people have to really think about what makes sense is how things are evolving in marketing as well.

00:08:02.004 --> 00:08:07.245
I think yes, in the sense that the way that marketing is evolving, it's so much more competitive.

00:08:07.245 --> 00:08:15.387
You are competing for less time in the consumer's eyes for attention, and there's so much out there.

00:08:15.387 --> 00:08:25.189
Consumers are being bombarded, and that's why a lot of the ad platforms, like LinkedIn or all the social media platforms, do bidding structures, because they know it's competitive.

00:08:25.189 --> 00:08:41.500
However, I also think that it's in the case of I think, understanding how certain channels work or how certain marketing efforts will work, is really important to make it, to understand what's going to be our next move here.

00:08:42.020 --> 00:09:07.352
So, for instance and the reason being is because you may not be ready for advertising is still a great, can be still a very good use of marketing budget if it's done well, but if you don't have the foundation that allows those leads to come in and actually streamline that process, then advertising it's just like you're just catching a net and you have no idea where the fish are.

00:09:07.352 --> 00:09:09.216
It's just you have nowhere to catch them.

00:09:09.216 --> 00:09:24.046
And so I think there's a balance in keeping up with the evolution of what's happening with marketing, but also a deep understanding of what each of these channels and options will actually bring you against your goals.

00:09:24.046 --> 00:09:25.589
And then also.

00:09:25.589 --> 00:09:27.714
Are you ready for that?

00:09:27.714 --> 00:09:28.514
What are you?

00:09:28.514 --> 00:09:35.116
What kind of foundation do you have in place to be able to better support these efforts that you're investing in?

00:09:36.044 --> 00:09:37.471
I think the foundation is really important.

00:09:37.471 --> 00:09:58.769
The example you said around advertising if you don't have the foundation of a great website and great landing pages and the right workflows for people to become a customer from the website, all of those foundational things need to be there before you're ready to start spending and investing a lot of money in advertising 100%.

00:09:58.929 --> 00:10:09.934
I think a lot of the times when you're seeing no ROI, it could be a strategy problem, but the strategy can be adjusted easily a lot of the times.

00:10:09.934 --> 00:10:21.014
But if you are getting some things but they're not turning into sales, that is a foundation problem, that is a kink in your sales process.

00:10:22.085 --> 00:10:26.056
And part of the problem you mentioned is marketing is pretty hard.

00:10:26.056 --> 00:10:46.048
It's probably getting harder in terms of complexity and competition and costs, and it seems like that's one of the main challenges for businesses is there's so many different areas of marketing and some of them have gotten harder and more complex in recent years.

00:10:46.048 --> 00:10:51.267
For example, I'll give another channel that I think is evolving pretty rapidly is SEO.

00:10:51.267 --> 00:11:18.471
Some people are saying it's Armageddon for SEO because of how Google is changing, with AI, summaries and videos at the top, and it's much harder to get near the top of the search results in Google and for a long time a lot of businesses who were doing blogs or articles relied on that, and the impact for companies seems to vary, so it's not like across the board tough for everybody, but for some people it is and other people it's actually a benefit.

00:11:18.471 --> 00:11:26.434
So I think the question is how do companies navigate the complexity as all of these channels evolve?

00:11:26.434 --> 00:11:30.288
What do you suggest when you're working with clients to navigate that?

00:11:31.269 --> 00:11:49.450
I think you have to have a core understanding and goal in mind to what are we really trying to accomplish and what's our biggest priority, because there is a difference in the types of marketing that you do, where certain channels will lend itself better and therefore the results are going to be different.

00:11:49.450 --> 00:12:02.859
But if your goal is getting leads, but you're posting on Instagram and not doing so in a way that's designed to convert or try to capture leads and convert leads, but you're posting on Instagram and not doing so in a way that's designed to convert or try to capture leads and convert leads, then you're going to say we're getting followers.

00:12:02.859 --> 00:12:11.134
So, technically, what you're doing on social is successful in the standards of social media, but it's not converting to these larger business goals.

00:12:11.134 --> 00:12:13.066
So I think you have to balance those priorities.

00:12:13.066 --> 00:12:22.389
But I think, when it comes to the complexities and SEO is a great example I keep going back to this, like understanding what you're about to get yourself into.

00:12:22.389 --> 00:12:45.278
The reason being is because something like SEO, where the Google changes every other day, like you need someone dedicated to SEO who's really well versed in understanding how frequent it changes and how to be competitive and always being proactive, and that's just one example right, and so that is a long gain.

00:12:45.485 --> 00:12:50.428
If you're going to invest in SEO, yes, you could set up some good foundation that's going to help and support you.

00:12:50.428 --> 00:13:09.769
But if you're trying to be really aggressive, especially if you're like a local business, then you have to be willing to invest in SEO over and over again, whereas if you're trying to be really aggressive, especially if you're like a local business, then you have to be willing to invest in SEO over and over again, whereas if you're a service-based business you operate online you can maybe do again like a one-time investment in, like a strong keyword strategy, and then maybe optimize.

00:13:09.769 --> 00:13:15.330
It's not as aggressive, but maybe you need to be more aggressive in how you approach LinkedIn, for instance.

00:13:15.330 --> 00:13:30.711
So I think it varies based on what type of company you have, what your goals are and, again, a deep understanding of what each of these channels or marketing portals will do for you, because it's going to vary.

00:13:30.850 --> 00:13:49.298
And then again, just going back to my example, where it sounds very complex and it sounds very complicated because there are so many pieces, but the more you can focus on, okay, this is our initiative, let's say, in the case of the example I provided earlier, articles are initiative.

00:13:49.298 --> 00:13:55.113
That's where we're going to spend a good chunk of time and investment to make sure we're putting out kick-ass articles.

00:13:55.113 --> 00:14:19.590
We're also then going to use those articles to fuel other things, because that one article that you spend and this is where potentially SEO and a blog writer can come into play and you can stretch out that investment that article can fuel 10 social media posts and three emails, and so, therefore, you've got almost an entire month of content just from one article.

00:14:19.590 --> 00:14:29.488
That's fueling, and so that's how you can simplify it in terms of okay, we are on all these channels, but there is still that sort of through line because we're repurposing some things.

00:14:30.631 --> 00:14:33.139
Yeah, I think that's a great example.

00:14:33.139 --> 00:14:37.365
One of the things you talk about is how to do marketing when you have limited resources, and I think that's a great example.

00:14:37.365 --> 00:14:52.352
One of the things you talk about is how to do marketing when you have limited resources, and I think that example plays into that, because to build a full stack marketing team they can do volumes of things across all of the possible channels can cost like a couple million dollars for a B2B company, for example.

00:14:52.352 --> 00:15:06.820
Most people don't have that amount of money to invest, and so that example you just shared is a great one of how do companies do more when they don't really have as much to invest.

00:15:06.820 --> 00:15:18.587
But broadly, what do you suggest when companies don't have a huge budget or have to be more guerrilla in marketing?

00:15:18.587 --> 00:15:19.827
How do they think about it?

00:15:20.649 --> 00:15:27.513
Get really clear on your goals and focus on the things that are going to achieve those goals faster.

00:15:27.513 --> 00:15:43.451
So, again, if you are a B2B company and you're like I need leads which is less important than brand awareness, right as just an example then you're going to be really scrappy in how you tackle something like LinkedIn.

00:15:43.451 --> 00:15:44.513
You can't just post.

00:15:44.513 --> 00:15:45.673
You tackle something like LinkedIn.

00:15:45.673 --> 00:15:47.817
You can't just post and hope something comes through.

00:15:47.817 --> 00:15:58.350
You have to be very proactive in okay, I'm going to actually use LinkedIn Sales Navigator and do an outreach strategy to start making connections with people and start building my network.

00:15:58.350 --> 00:15:59.676
That's just one example.

00:15:59.676 --> 00:16:29.788
If you're a local company and maybe like a special offer for new customers or whatever that looks like, it really goes back to your goals and what is the biggest priority for you right now.

00:16:30.355 --> 00:16:50.017
Everything else can fall to the wayside, because that's when, if you try to do too much too fast without that proper foundation, you're going to be spending money on ads that are not going to actually bring you the traffic that you want, or you're going to be spending money on ads that are not going to actually bring you the traffic that you want, or you're going to be falling into a strategy that, okay, it's a good strategy.

00:16:50.017 --> 00:16:55.157
It's not that it's bad or not, that it isn't completely helpful, but it's not accomplishing what you want.

00:16:55.157 --> 00:17:00.697
Now, and I think a lot of the times, people can get a little tripped up in their goals because they want everything.

00:17:00.697 --> 00:17:03.061
Everyone wants more money, everyone wants more sales.

00:17:03.061 --> 00:17:04.103
That's always the goal.

00:17:04.103 --> 00:17:06.707
What is most critical to you right now?

00:17:06.707 --> 00:17:15.500
Is it sales, or can you lend itself to more brand awareness, brand trust, whatever that looks like, and that's where you just have to have those conversations and that clarity.

00:17:16.823 --> 00:17:23.542
Yeah, so prioritization is the theme, along with having a clear goal right.

00:17:23.604 --> 00:17:27.056
Yeah, and focus, really just focus, focus and structure.

00:17:28.380 --> 00:17:37.166
So let me put you on the spot with my final question, which is prediction for where things are going in marketing the rest of this year.

00:17:37.166 --> 00:17:44.366
Do you have any thoughts about how marketing is evolving and what marketers should do as a result of that trend?

00:17:45.434 --> 00:17:48.201
Yeah, I think more and more tools are going to pop up.

00:17:48.201 --> 00:17:52.479
Ai-based tools are going to pop up to help you do marketing faster.

00:17:52.479 --> 00:17:56.847
And I say that with quotes because again they're going to hook you.

00:17:56.847 --> 00:17:58.825
They're going to say I can make your life easier.

00:17:58.825 --> 00:17:59.669
And it may not.

00:17:59.669 --> 00:18:07.488
And especially if you're working on a scrappy budget, you have to be really particular about where you're investing your time, money and energy, even if it's a platform.

00:18:07.488 --> 00:18:22.027
I think AI is fantastic in this example and it's been talked about in a lot of marketing spaces, but I think the principles stay the same of marketing in that, at the end of the day, you have to just figure out how you connect with your audience.

00:18:22.027 --> 00:18:36.277
So keep focused on that, but watch out, see what tools can potentially help you and just use discernment between them all, because we'll see differences in how AI is embedded into our social media platforms.

00:18:36.277 --> 00:18:43.955
I think that AI is going to steal the show, I think, at least for another year, before something new kind of comes into play.

00:18:45.179 --> 00:18:56.847
Yeah, I think we're in the golden age of marketing, where there's more tools than we could ever possibly consume or need, but finding some good ones can be really helpful.

00:18:56.847 --> 00:19:05.616
Good advice, I think that, in terms of people getting momentum with their marketing, you had a offer that you wanted to share.

00:19:06.259 --> 00:19:07.403
Yes, definitely.

00:19:07.403 --> 00:19:14.644
I would love to offer all the listeners of the Remarkable Marketing Podcast half off my marketing momentum sessions.

00:19:14.644 --> 00:19:22.963
This is a 75-minute intensive designed to pinpoint, overcome whatever obstacles are blocking marketing success.

00:19:22.963 --> 00:19:33.741
So if you're in a position where you need to do something with marketing, your marketing needs to pivot in some way, but you just have no idea where to start because, again, it can feel very overwhelming and complex.

00:19:33.741 --> 00:19:38.940
This is something that's going to help you and provide that clarity for you, and so we'll put.

00:19:38.940 --> 00:19:44.839
I sure, post a code in the show notes, but the code will be remarkable and the link will be in there as well.

00:19:46.265 --> 00:19:49.943
Awesome, if you want to get some momentum, check that out.

00:19:49.943 --> 00:19:54.506
Appreciate you being with us today and sharing your story and these ideas.

00:19:54.506 --> 00:20:02.009
We're going to link to these resources in the show notes so you can get there easily and contact Caroline if you'd like to learn more.

00:20:02.009 --> 00:20:04.136
Caroline, thanks so much for being with us today.

00:20:04.136 --> 00:20:04.738
We appreciate it.

00:20:04.738 --> 00:20:06.700
Thank you so much for having me, eric.

Caroline Crawford Profile Photo

Caroline Crawford


I'm a big marketing nerd, but after 10+ years in-house, I founded Cultiveight Communications because I saw first-hand how the marketing industry fuels unsustainable (and therefore unscalable) behaviors and how that can impact the internal team of a business - especially those without hefty budgets and teams.

We're here to bridge the gap and show companies how to see marketing through a different lens.