June 1, 2024

How AI is Saving Lives, Disrupting Google Search, and the Era of AI Agents

How AI is Saving Lives, Disrupting Google Search, and the Era of AI Agents

Unlock the potential of AI in your marketing strategies with insights from digital marketing expert Seth Goldstein. Learn how AI can serve as a powerful tool to enhance productivity without replacing jobs, and explore Seth's innovative work with Zero Eyes—a company founded by former Navy SEALs that uses AI for gun detection to prevent mass shootings. Our conversation covers the integration of AI in business processes and the future of AI, including the development of specialized agents capable of autonomously performing tasks like booking travel.

Discover the rapid advancements in AI technology, from ChatGPT-4 to the upcoming ChatGPT-5, and delve into Elon Musk's ambitious plans for household robots. We discuss the transformative impact of AI on digital marketing, particularly Google's AI summaries reshaping SEO practices. Learn practical ways to leverage AI tools like ChatGPT 4.0 to optimize both business and everyday tasks. This episode is packed with valuable insights, personal experiences, and actionable tips to help you embrace AI technology and stay ahead in the evolving landscape of business.

Saving Lives with AI - Zero Eyes - https://zeroeyes.com/

The Entrepreneurs Enigma Podcast

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00:00 - AI in Marketing

10:06 - AI Evolution and Future Strategies

17:44 - Maximizing Business Benefits With AI



00:00:00.540 --> 00:00:02.123
Welcome to today's episode.

00:00:02.123 --> 00:00:09.914
Today we are going to talk about marketing and AI and the future of business processes with AI.

00:00:09.914 --> 00:00:12.705
Our guest today is Seth Goldstein.

00:00:12.705 --> 00:00:17.452
He runs a digital marketing agency and has done quite a bit with AI himself.

00:00:17.452 --> 00:00:18.294
Welcome to the show.

00:00:19.079 --> 00:00:20.064
Hey buddy, How's it going?

00:00:20.064 --> 00:00:21.649
Eric, Thank you for having me on.

00:00:21.649 --> 00:00:23.336
This is a thrill.

00:00:23.336 --> 00:00:24.079
I love your episode.

00:00:24.239 --> 00:00:25.443
Thanks for being here.

00:00:25.443 --> 00:00:36.512
So before we jump into the discussion about doing great things with AI, why don't you share just a minute or two about who you are and what you do.

00:00:37.380 --> 00:00:38.823
Yeah, so I'm Seth Goldstein.

00:00:38.823 --> 00:00:41.549
As Eric told you, I do digital marketing.

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I'm based just north of Philadelphia.

00:00:42.860 --> 00:00:55.256
I do a lot of WordPress, web design, seo, digital marketing, digital strategy, which is falling really into the AI realm of things now figuring out how AI is changing everything in marketing.

00:00:55.256 --> 00:01:01.832
And we do some podcast coaching as well, and in addition to that, I host my own podcast called Entrepreneur's Enigma.

00:01:01.832 --> 00:01:04.444
I've been podcasting since 2010,.

00:01:04.444 --> 00:01:08.311
Various degrees of podcasting stuff.

00:01:08.311 --> 00:01:13.248
So this is Entrepreneur's Enigma is going on 232 episodes right now.

00:01:13.248 --> 00:01:17.150
It's weekly and it was a pandemic project.

00:01:17.150 --> 00:01:20.805
I was like I need something to do and it's still going strong.

00:01:21.167 --> 00:01:23.079
That's great 230 episodes.

00:01:23.079 --> 00:01:26.170
That shows a lot of consistency, exactly.

00:01:26.209 --> 00:01:27.742
But it's podcasting's fun.

00:01:27.742 --> 00:01:34.362
It's just it's a lot, it's a commitment, but if you get into a flow it's, it's rewarding.

00:01:34.664 --> 00:01:39.153
So and Seth and I both studied journalism in college.

00:01:39.153 --> 00:01:41.664
We have that in common we're ready to be inspired.

00:01:41.664 --> 00:01:46.634
Why don't you share with us a story about some of the best marketing that you've done?

00:01:47.439 --> 00:01:53.153
Some of the best marketing I've done has to be for a bunch of Navy SEAL former Navy SEALs that got out of the service.

00:01:53.153 --> 00:02:03.129
They wanted to tackle a very big epidemic in the US mass shootings so they considered the trend here AI.

00:02:03.129 --> 00:02:13.272
If you haven't picked up on that, we're talking about AI today and marketing and they wanted to solve how to stop mass shootings before they started.

00:02:13.272 --> 00:02:17.251
So they are an AI gun detection company called Zero Eyes.

00:02:17.251 --> 00:02:18.725
They're based out of Philadelphia.

00:02:18.725 --> 00:02:21.709
They're all over the country because they're all remote, so they can be wherever.

00:02:21.709 --> 00:02:32.471
They tap into your existing camera system, so you don't have to buy new equipment and they only detect the gun and they can tell the difference between a gun, a toy gun, a super soaker, which I mean.

00:02:32.491 --> 00:02:32.972
That's obvious.

00:02:32.972 --> 00:02:37.599
A super soaker doesn't look like a real gun and it's a callback to our generation, eric super soakers.

00:02:37.599 --> 00:02:50.157
So we built them their website, we helped them with their SEO, got them ranked for various gun detection topics and whatnot like that.

00:02:50.157 --> 00:02:53.492
We wrote the blog posts, we helped them with their overall marketing and we actually helped them with their Series A round.

00:02:53.492 --> 00:02:56.562
And they got their Series A round and they're going gangbusters now.

00:02:56.562 --> 00:02:57.786
They're doing great work.

00:02:57.786 --> 00:03:04.171
They've thwarted some potential mass shootings.

00:03:04.171 --> 00:03:07.967
So they have a track record now and I feel like I had a little piece of that.

00:03:07.967 --> 00:03:09.826
I helped them get started, which is cool.

00:03:10.939 --> 00:03:14.039
That's a cause I think everybody can get behind.

00:03:14.039 --> 00:03:21.710
I don't understand why we've been dealing for decades with mass casualty shootings.

00:03:21.710 --> 00:03:26.311
It's ponderous to me how that hasn't been solved.

00:03:26.311 --> 00:03:41.212
I don't know that it's a simple solution of legal regulation and I don't know that it's solely an issue that can be solved through psychiatric counseling and things like that.

00:03:41.212 --> 00:03:51.556
I think both of those things could be helpful in different ways, but I like that other solutions like this one are coming in that can identify threats.

00:03:51.656 --> 00:03:57.268
There's a difference between a threat and a non-threat, because a water pistol is not a threat.

00:03:57.268 --> 00:03:58.030
It might get you wet.

00:03:58.030 --> 00:03:59.985
A pistol will kill you.

00:03:59.985 --> 00:04:02.407
So they can tell the difference, which is really cool.

00:04:04.181 --> 00:04:13.306
I often have told my marketing teams during my career is hey guys, we're not saving lives here, don't get so emotional, but this is actually saving lives.

00:04:13.306 --> 00:04:21.451
So I think it is something to get pretty emotional about, and saving lives is probably some of the best ROI you could ever possibly get.

00:04:21.451 --> 00:04:21.920

00:04:21.920 --> 00:04:36.295
Can't put a price on that, so I think that's an awesome use case and I think a lot of people are hesitant about a lot of the AI use cases that are coming out.

00:04:36.295 --> 00:04:39.970
People are worried about it taking jobs, but I don't.

00:04:40.519 --> 00:04:45.709
I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon, honestly, like Google is telling you to put Elmer's glue on pizza.

00:04:45.709 --> 00:05:00.189
I'm going to be timestamping this, so sorry about that, but recently Google, in a Gemini thing, said Elmer's glue, which is non-toxic to their credit, is a great binding agent to keep the cheese on the pizza.

00:05:00.189 --> 00:05:04.528
That's not taking anyone's job anytime soon.

00:05:06.600 --> 00:05:13.930
Yeah, we have ways to go, for sure, I think at this point a lot of people have said it's a good co-pilot or a research buddy.

00:05:13.930 --> 00:05:19.091
It is yeah, that I agree with, but I wouldn't put it into production yet.

00:05:19.091 --> 00:05:20.867
I don't think we're ready for iRobot.

00:05:21.600 --> 00:05:26.071
It's great for the blank page phenomenon that everyone faces when they have a blank page.

00:05:26.071 --> 00:05:33.065
You can ask AI give me five bullet points to get me started on X and it'll give you five bullet points that you can then expound upon.

00:05:33.065 --> 00:05:34.041
It's a great.

00:05:34.041 --> 00:05:39.901
Like you said, copilot, it's a great partner in crime Hopefully not in crime, but partner in work, I think it's going to.

00:05:39.901 --> 00:05:41.923
It's going to what's the word?

00:05:41.923 --> 00:05:49.516
It's going to augment human productivity before it takes away from human productivity and replaces human productivity.

00:05:57.468 --> 00:06:00.031
Now I want to get your view on how this might evolve.

00:06:00.031 --> 00:06:21.891
One Number two they're saying that the next evolution, after being a co-pilot or a research buddy, is for the development of agents to start doing very specific tasks, like a travel agent would book your trip for you and not just say, hey, here's a trip to consider.

00:06:21.891 --> 00:06:25.379
It would just book it for you based on the criteria you're given.

00:06:25.379 --> 00:06:42.322
And so, initially, my thesis is that we'll evolve and agents will start to do tasks, although I think they'll mess them up pretty badly initially, and then I think, like over a year, it'll get better and then people will trust it more and more.

00:06:42.322 --> 00:06:44.803
I think, like over a year, it'll get better and then people will trust him more and more.

00:06:44.803 --> 00:06:57.415
But the analogy I'm thinking through when people are using this terminology of AI agents is an amazing reference to the matrix where the agents come in and try to kill Neo and all of his.

00:06:57.415 --> 00:06:58.716

00:06:58.815 --> 00:07:06.132
Oh what, mr Hello, mr Anderson, mr Anderson, yes, it's just a great movie.

00:07:06.132 --> 00:07:09.100
The other three, two, or Anderson, Mr Anderson, yes, it's just a great movie.

00:07:10.980 --> 00:07:15.947
The other, three, two or three were garbage, but the first one was epic.

00:07:15.966 --> 00:07:17.069
What is your favorite AI movie?

00:07:17.069 --> 00:07:17.629
I have to say the Matrix.

00:07:17.629 --> 00:07:21.535
It's science fiction, matrix-y AI kind of pseudo.

00:07:21.535 --> 00:07:26.338
Another one I really like, which I think is underrated a lot of people don't realize, is Inception.

00:07:26.338 --> 00:07:31.670
It wasn't AI per se, but it was mind-bending, yeah.

00:07:31.670 --> 00:07:33.887
And was it AI?

00:07:33.887 --> 00:07:37.507
Was the world all a construct of a dream?

00:07:37.507 --> 00:07:38.302
All that stuff?

00:07:38.302 --> 00:07:40.982
Oh my God, your mind's blown, you don't know.

00:07:40.982 --> 00:07:42.146
Your mind's blown until the end.

00:07:42.146 --> 00:07:44.944
And then they throw one little tidbit in there that's oh my God.

00:07:47.896 --> 00:07:51.120
I did watch the new number one movie on Netflix.

00:07:51.120 --> 00:08:00.783
Atlas with J-Lo which is about AI taking over and wiping out humanity, and then J-Lo saves us all.

00:08:01.415 --> 00:08:02.560
Oh, J-Lo will save us all.

00:08:02.560 --> 00:08:05.720
She will save us in real life too, because she's J-Lo, Of course.

00:08:05.720 --> 00:08:06.822

00:08:06.841 --> 00:08:18.632
Yeah, so I guess my question is do you think that this evolution will happen from co-pilot to AI agents?

00:08:18.632 --> 00:08:19.918
Do you see that happening?

00:08:19.918 --> 00:08:21.024
I think that will happen.

00:08:21.675 --> 00:08:27.785
I think certain jobs where AI can just do it better, might disappear or might change.

00:08:27.785 --> 00:08:33.888
I am very doubtful that it's going to be anything more than a spicy autocorrect for a while.

00:08:35.034 --> 00:08:36.279
Spicy autocorrect.

00:08:36.360 --> 00:08:36.981
That's great.

00:08:36.981 --> 00:08:37.683
It really is.

00:08:37.683 --> 00:08:40.484
All it does is predict the next word when you really think about it.

00:08:41.996 --> 00:08:44.514
After it beige-ifies you, right yeah.

00:08:44.855 --> 00:08:46.863
It's pretty good, spicy, autocorrect.

00:08:46.863 --> 00:08:57.734
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel it's not AGI, but it's just, it's a tool, and I think it's going to be a tool for a while.

00:08:57.734 --> 00:09:06.943
Now a while could be anywhere from a month to three years, but the way we're going we're probably looking at about a year it's going to be drastically different than it was right now.

00:09:08.195 --> 00:09:08.816
Yeah, I think that's.

00:09:08.816 --> 00:09:15.451
My big thing is that it's moving very fast and when you look at some of the forward indicators, I'm surprised how fast it's moving.

00:09:15.451 --> 00:09:18.697
Like just today, they're saying what is laws out the window?

00:09:18.697 --> 00:09:22.347
They released chat, gpt four.

00:09:22.347 --> 00:09:27.998
Oh, and they're saying they're already training G, chat GPT five.

00:09:27.998 --> 00:09:31.081
So this is like very quick, like it was just a couple of weeks ago, chatgpt 5.

00:09:31.101 --> 00:09:33.043
So this is like very quick, like it was just a couple of weeks ago.

00:09:33.043 --> 00:09:39.571
Yeah, it's great, but it's also wow, this is really fast, like you're on vacation and you're going to miss something really big.

00:09:39.571 --> 00:10:04.100
So when I see news like Elon Musk saying that he's going to build a billion of the Optimus robots for people to have in their house and you're going to pay 400 a month and he has videos out there of it folding laundry and putting eggs in the fridge- don't get me started on that guy.

00:10:04.682 --> 00:10:12.222
He is well yeah, I mean, let's not digress on on elon, but the thing is that somebody is going to do that.

00:10:12.222 --> 00:10:25.316
If you take the, the brain of some of these large language models, and you think that could be put into something like the optimist robot that he created, it is Whoa Like.

00:10:25.316 --> 00:10:27.916
When you sit back and think about that for a few minutes, what?

00:10:27.936 --> 00:10:28.519
the impact.

00:10:28.519 --> 00:10:30.580
Could that be how Rosie's running around?

00:10:30.801 --> 00:10:36.025
Yeah, from the Jetsons and that's where we get a little bit more like iRobot.

00:10:36.025 --> 00:10:41.394
But just because people don't like it doesn't mean it wouldn't happen, right?

00:10:41.575 --> 00:10:43.921
I don't think it's as dystopian as we make it out to be.

00:10:43.921 --> 00:10:45.124
Not yet, at least.

00:10:46.506 --> 00:10:49.277
Yeah, is there potential for it to be dystopian.

00:10:49.277 --> 00:10:50.197

00:10:50.197 --> 00:10:52.821
Can there be bad actors in AI?

00:10:52.821 --> 00:10:53.640
There already are.

00:10:53.640 --> 00:11:00.988
There already are, and there's articles written out all the time about people doing really not good things with AI.

00:11:00.988 --> 00:11:01.889
I'll leave it at that.

00:11:01.889 --> 00:11:04.010
Use your imagination of what bad things can be done with it.

00:11:04.010 --> 00:11:07.177
But ultimately there's good actors.

00:11:07.177 --> 00:11:12.649
There's white hats and there's black hats, and then there's some gray hats in the middle where they're good, but they bend the rules a little bit.

00:11:12.649 --> 00:11:14.260
But that's what Sam Altman is.

00:11:14.260 --> 00:11:22.446
He's more of a gray hat, he's bending the rules a little bit, but he's also progressing in the right way.

00:11:22.446 --> 00:11:24.301
So it's interesting to watch.

00:11:25.315 --> 00:11:34.399
After the huge surge in crypto tech, people are just sitting back right now saying what could possibly go wrong with the next tech surge.

00:11:34.399 --> 00:11:36.419
I think, yeah, what possibly could go wrong.

00:11:36.561 --> 00:11:47.326
Let's see yeah, 2000, 2008, which was a banking crisis, but still was tech-based, and we had the crypto flu-y, for lack of a better word.

00:11:47.326 --> 00:11:47.807
Now we're in AI.

00:11:47.807 --> 00:11:49.480
Oh, don't forget the metaverse.

00:11:57.335 --> 00:11:57.956
The a better word.

00:11:57.975 --> 00:11:58.336
Now we're in ai.

00:11:58.356 --> 00:11:59.118
Well, don't forget the metaverse.

00:11:59.118 --> 00:12:13.966
The metaverse, that was something for about a minute, so bringing it back to a more practical thing about digital marketing, one of the immediate impacts of of ai that google's io conference was all about is the ai summaries at the top of search results that like literally take all the best real estate.

00:12:13.966 --> 00:12:16.070
Um, horrible, I know.

00:12:16.836 --> 00:12:17.498
And they're testing it.

00:12:17.498 --> 00:12:18.239
Gluton pizza.

00:12:18.239 --> 00:12:24.719
Yeah, and they all, it's real estate and they tell you some stupid stuff that doesn't even, isn't apropos to anything.

00:12:24.719 --> 00:12:26.205
Oh, it's angering.

00:12:27.136 --> 00:12:28.301
And so they're testing it in the U?

00:12:28.301 --> 00:12:50.903
S to start with, and I've seen it start to pop up and it almost makes me question all of the SEO best practices that people have been using for the last 20 years If they're just going to give all the best real estate to everything else, including AI summaries and videos and on.

00:12:50.903 --> 00:13:00.725
It seems like everything gets pushed down to the point where a lot of people are just saying the organic traffic is just going down and Google it really isn't when you think about it.

00:13:01.076 --> 00:13:02.321
We'll get into that by the way you finish.

00:13:02.321 --> 00:13:03.124
We'll get into that.

00:13:03.995 --> 00:13:10.349
Google's defense is we're just trying to give the users what they want, which, okay, I understand.

00:13:10.349 --> 00:13:17.567
I think I never thought that google search, of you search for something and you get a million results, was the be all, end all anyways.

00:13:17.567 --> 00:13:20.941
So I think ai summaries or would definitely be better.

00:13:20.941 --> 00:13:25.634
But the real question is then seo becomes different.

00:13:25.634 --> 00:13:27.719
In my opinion it becomes.

00:13:27.719 --> 00:13:33.328
How do you get your company into the AI summaries, right?

00:13:33.328 --> 00:13:34.419
Isn't that the new SEO?

00:13:35.115 --> 00:13:36.561
The new SEO is the citations.

00:13:36.561 --> 00:13:41.583
In my opinion, the little one, two, threes, like in perplexity, the AI.

00:13:41.583 --> 00:13:43.207
It cites its sources.

00:13:43.207 --> 00:13:52.082
If you can be that one of the cited sources in the blurb, then you'll get traffic from that, because I know, I'm not your typical internet user.

00:13:53.004 --> 00:13:53.826
I'm a power user.

00:13:53.826 --> 00:13:56.022
I'll go in and I'll say glue on pizza.

00:13:56.022 --> 00:13:56.804
How can this be true?

00:13:56.804 --> 00:13:59.783
I'll go click on the link and read about it.

00:13:59.783 --> 00:14:00.947
Read about why is it figuring?

00:14:00.947 --> 00:14:02.299
Why is it telling me to put glue on pizza?

00:14:02.299 --> 00:14:03.043
They're buying cheese.

00:14:03.043 --> 00:14:04.441
Why is it telling me to do that?

00:14:05.796 --> 00:14:15.216
I've asked other people around that are more usual, neurotypical, normal internet users and they look at the citations too.

00:14:15.837 --> 00:14:33.570
So if you want to get in, what the citations are is good content, and recently there's a whole big explosion of a big leak over Google, where all the a lot of the algorithm came out to the public, and a lot of it was that you're sitting there and you're like, oh my God, they're lying through their teeth.

00:14:33.570 --> 00:14:36.692
You got to watch what Google does not listen to what they say.

00:14:36.692 --> 00:14:45.458
But, that being said, one thing that they have said consistently since the days of mad cuts is rate good content and you will rank.

00:14:45.458 --> 00:14:46.403
And guess what?

00:14:46.403 --> 00:14:48.998
You rate good content, you will rank in a search engine.

00:14:48.998 --> 00:14:55.445
Granted, it's on page two now with all this other cruft that's above it, as we were talking about videos and stuff like that.

00:14:55.445 --> 00:14:57.807
But if you write good content, you produce good videos.

00:14:57.807 --> 00:14:58.807
You produce good stuff.

00:14:58.807 --> 00:15:07.364
You will show up in the snippets and the key to everything in SEO is write that good content that people want to read about and spiders want to steal.

00:15:09.515 --> 00:15:22.164
Yeah, I think creating good content is still, overall, a good strategy, but on a macro level, when I'm thinking about this, I'm thinking the game is changing a little bit.

00:15:22.164 --> 00:15:32.952
Because of the underlying things that are happening here, would you say at a macro level, people are going to need to put in place different strategies than they did a couple years ago.

00:15:33.456 --> 00:15:35.859
People are going to need to put in place different strategies than they did a couple years ago.

00:15:35.859 --> 00:15:36.779
Honestly, seo is not rocket science.

00:15:36.779 --> 00:15:38.582
It never has been, never will be.

00:15:38.582 --> 00:15:41.066
If you do enough reading, you can figure.

00:15:41.066 --> 00:15:42.607
The common person can figure it out.

00:15:42.607 --> 00:15:53.441
It's just spending the time to do it and that's why you hire someone like us to do the SEO for you, because we're staying on top of it, because even before the AI snippets came out, google changes stuff.

00:15:53.441 --> 00:15:55.985
Every month, every week, every day.

00:15:55.985 --> 00:15:57.346
There's always something changing.

00:15:57.346 --> 00:15:58.589
You have to stay on top of that.

00:15:58.589 --> 00:15:59.389
What did Google do?

00:15:59.389 --> 00:16:00.576
What they did?

00:16:00.576 --> 00:16:02.423
Now that they said, what are they doing?

00:16:02.423 --> 00:16:04.501
How is it affecting my ranking?

00:16:04.501 --> 00:16:07.745
How did that other person get ahead of me this time?

00:16:07.745 --> 00:16:08.917
What are they doing?

00:16:08.917 --> 00:16:11.442
That's different from what I'm doing, and make adjustments.

00:16:11.442 --> 00:16:13.748
It's constant.

00:16:13.748 --> 00:16:17.238
It's constant, it's constant iteration.

00:16:17.258 --> 00:16:19.600
Yeah, I think marketing is always evolving.

00:16:19.600 --> 00:16:22.043
I think that's one of the things that's fun about it.

00:16:22.043 --> 00:16:27.349
Final words of advice beyond don't put glue on pizza that you'd like to share.

00:16:27.349 --> 00:16:28.210
I love that one.

00:16:28.730 --> 00:16:32.264
Yes, just embrace it.

00:16:32.264 --> 00:16:34.087
Ai is not going away, just like search engine.

00:16:34.087 --> 00:16:35.836
Ai is not going away, just like search engine.

00:16:35.836 --> 00:16:37.260
Optimization is not necessarily going away.

00:16:37.260 --> 00:16:38.826
It's going to evolve, it's going to change.

00:16:39.575 --> 00:16:45.384
Best thing to do is go in play with it, learn how to use it, ask for a recipe for lasagna.

00:16:45.384 --> 00:16:54.360
Figure out how you can use AI to your benefit, how you can use these new tools to benefit your business, benefit your everyday life.

00:16:54.360 --> 00:16:55.937
If you don't, you're just.

00:16:55.937 --> 00:16:57.201
Why aren't you?

00:16:57.201 --> 00:16:57.822

00:16:57.822 --> 00:16:58.605
It's there.

00:16:58.605 --> 00:16:59.961
It's free for the most part.

00:17:00.695 --> 00:17:03.924
Chatgbt 4.0 is free for everyone.

00:17:03.924 --> 00:17:04.066

00:17:04.066 --> 00:17:08.244
It's not like you get the cheap version and you have to pay for the advanced version.

00:17:08.244 --> 00:17:11.142
No, it's free and it's the best model out there right now.

00:17:11.142 --> 00:17:20.790
So go use it, try it out, make mistakes, figure it out, see how you can use it for your business, see how you can use it for your own life.

00:17:20.790 --> 00:17:21.153
I asked today.

00:17:21.153 --> 00:17:31.320
I asked today what was the difference between something simple like what's the difference between 20 hours a month for commitment versus 20 hours a week?

00:17:31.320 --> 00:17:33.477
Something simple like that?

00:17:33.477 --> 00:17:36.583
And it expounded upon it as asking.

00:17:36.583 --> 00:17:39.867
And then it asks more questions like can you please clarify that?

00:17:39.867 --> 00:17:43.651
And then we had a nice little chat and it gave me the answer I needed.

00:17:43.651 --> 00:17:45.739
And then some Just use technology.

00:17:47.083 --> 00:17:48.026
I think that's great advice.

00:17:48.026 --> 00:18:11.088
My opinion is that every single process in business is going to be reevaluated in the next year or two for optimization with AI, and people are going to say is this a co-pilot use case or is this an agent use case where we can automate something?

00:18:11.088 --> 00:18:24.866
So either there's going to be an assist or it's going to be an automation with an agent, and so I think people the sooner they embrace that, like you're saying, the easier the change will be for a lot of people.

00:18:24.866 --> 00:18:26.019
I think so, absolutely.

00:18:26.019 --> 00:18:26.401
Learn it.

00:18:26.401 --> 00:18:41.601
All right, I'm going to link to your podcast, the Entrepreneur's Enigma, as well as your website so people can check those out and get in touch if they'd like to learn more and connect with you.

00:18:42.342 --> 00:18:42.922
Thank you, eric.

00:18:42.922 --> 00:18:44.299
This has been so much fun buddy.

Seth Goldstein Profile Photo

Seth Goldstein

Principal Creative Director/Co-Founder

Seth Goldstein is an entrepreneur, founder, podcaster, techy, father & husband, social media junkie.

He has been podcasting since 2010 and owned his own digital marketing agency, Goldstein Media, for more than 15 years.

When Seth isn't online or working or both, he loves to spend time with is wife, son, and their Airedoodle pup.