June 25, 2024

Here's How to Increase Your LinkedIn Engagement by 1,800% Using AI

Unlock the secrets of LinkedIn success with Joe Apfelbaum, the energetic CEO of Ajax Union and a leading expert in digital marketing, LinkedIn strategy, and artificial intelligence. Joe unveils his groundbreaking AI tool, Evy AI, designed to boost your LinkedIn engagement and credibility through personalized content creation. Imagine a tool that helps you craft tailored LinkedIn posts, comments, and messages daily, enhancing your visibility and securing more business meetings. Get ready to transform your LinkedIn game with actionable strategies for consistent posting, commenting, and direct messaging.

In our discussion, Joe also dives into essential tactics for expanding your LinkedIn network and optimizing your profile. Discover the power of personalized connection requests, the importance of engaging with notifications, and how to create a compelling profile with a strong headline and a structured about section. Hear Joe's predictions about the future of LinkedIn and AI, including the rise of hyper-personalization in professional communication. Plus, learn why giving back by engaging with others' posts can significantly boost your own credibility and visibility. Don't miss this chance to leverage LinkedIn and AI for unparalleled professional success!

Try out Evy AI for Free

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00:00 - LinkedIn AI and Strategy Success

08:50 - LinkedIn Networking and Profile Optimization



00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:01.743
Welcome to today's episode.

00:00:01.743 --> 00:00:03.786
Our guest today is Joe.

00:00:03.786 --> 00:00:08.641
He is a speaker, a podcaster, a five times author.

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He is a expert LinkedIn strategist and an AI guru.

00:00:12.871 --> 00:00:13.573
Welcome to the show.

00:00:14.599 --> 00:00:16.728
Thank you so much for having me Excited to be here today.

00:00:17.800 --> 00:00:23.966
So why don't we start off by you just sharing a minute or two context about who you are and what you do?

00:00:23.966 --> 00:00:25.170
You do a lot of amazing things.

00:00:27.000 --> 00:00:28.765
Yeah, I'm happy to share.

00:00:28.765 --> 00:00:29.907
My name is Joe Appelbaum.

00:00:29.907 --> 00:00:31.492
I'm the CEO of Ajax Union.

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We're a business-to-business digital marketing agency.

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We're very focused on creating campaigns for clients that help them be able to really take advantage of what the internet has to offer.

00:00:43.133 --> 00:00:53.520
You know this because you're in marketing, but if you want to be able to grow your business, if you're not on the internet, if you're not doing things correctly, then you're really going to be missing out.

00:00:53.759 --> 00:00:58.030
I started a company that does training as well training people on how to use LinkedIn.

00:00:58.030 --> 00:01:14.885
Specifically, we've trained over a thousand people on how to leverage LinkedIn, and now we've developed an AI for LinkedIn called Evy AI, and with Evy AI, you can have the AI write posts for you and write comments on LinkedIn and help you with direct messages and many other things.

00:01:14.885 --> 00:01:18.365
I'm really excited to be able to share these things with the world.

00:01:18.365 --> 00:01:20.456
I wrote a book called High Energy Marketing.

00:01:20.456 --> 00:01:26.212
I have a high energy marketing podcast and I'm really excited about making a difference for other people.

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I'm on a mission to help more people have a voice with artificial intelligence.

00:01:31.180 --> 00:01:31.561

00:01:31.561 --> 00:01:40.975
So let me first ask you, I'm very curious about the EVAI and AI on top of LinkedIn.

00:01:40.975 --> 00:01:42.887
Does this really work?

00:01:42.887 --> 00:01:44.756
Are you having great results with it?

00:01:44.756 --> 00:01:46.662
Are your clients having great results with it?

00:01:47.164 --> 00:01:57.792
Tell us a little bit about that we have 10,000 users in 35 countries around the world and people are paying for Evie AI because it actually works.

00:01:57.792 --> 00:02:03.942
We allow people to try it without even giving us their credit card, but after that they invest in it because it actually works.

00:02:03.942 --> 00:02:10.348
The way it works is gets to know who you are and then it creates content based on who you are.

00:02:10.348 --> 00:02:18.042
So if you use AI, the content that typically is going to come out of AI is going to be very generic if the AI doesn't know who you are.

00:02:18.042 --> 00:02:34.891
But if you're able to prompt it and tell it who you are and save that as a persona, like you can do with every AI now, every single time you want to leave a comment, it knows who you are, it knows what the post's about and then drafts a comment for you and if you don't like it, you can change the goal, you can change the tone, you can change the voice, you can change the persona.

00:02:35.340 --> 00:02:36.305
There's so much you can do.

00:02:36.305 --> 00:02:51.574
We also give you the ability to save templates so that you can use very specific templates if you want specific verbiage and you want to be able to train the ai on what to say, and we could also save templates of prompts to use, so they don't have to sit down and figure out what to put in into a prompt.

00:02:51.574 --> 00:02:54.217
You can prompt it with very specific templates.

00:02:54.217 --> 00:02:56.865
We also allow you to save users to lists.

00:02:56.865 --> 00:03:04.426
So if you want to strategically comment on specific people's posts on a regular basis, the all the posts will be available within evie AI.

00:03:04.426 --> 00:03:07.592
You just click a button, you load that user's posts and then you can drop comments.

00:03:07.592 --> 00:03:08.073
With AI.

00:03:08.073 --> 00:03:08.875
It's very powerful.

00:03:10.120 --> 00:03:13.850
And you get to review or you can see the comments that are being posted.

00:03:13.850 --> 00:03:16.086
So if you don't like them, you can edit them, like you were saying.

00:03:16.609 --> 00:03:27.206
Yeah, so before you actually post the comment, there's a difference between an AI agent that does things for you and there's an AI assistant, evie AI, an AI agent that does things for you, and there's an AI assistant.

00:03:27.206 --> 00:03:28.131
Every AI is not an agent, it's an assistant.

00:03:28.131 --> 00:03:29.014
It's not going to do it instead of you.

00:03:29.014 --> 00:03:30.120
It's going to do it together with you.

00:03:30.120 --> 00:03:33.760
So it'll draft it for you, and if you don't want to hit the post button, you don't have to hit the post button.

00:03:33.760 --> 00:03:36.965
You can hit the regenerate button or change it or whatever.

00:03:36.965 --> 00:03:40.770
There's so many different options that you can have, but it's semi-automatic.

00:03:40.770 --> 00:03:44.394
It's an assistant that assists you rather than an agent that does it for you.

00:03:51.460 --> 00:03:52.443
And tell me if I have this right.

00:03:52.443 --> 00:03:58.644
My understanding is that the way the LinkedIn algorithm works is when you comment on other people's posts, that gets seen even by a higher percentage of your network than if you make a post.

00:03:58.644 --> 00:04:02.633
They weight the commenting very high in the algorithm.

00:04:02.633 --> 00:04:16.439
So if you post a couple of comments a day, that's one of the best ways to really be doing networking and getting attention from other people, because it's more natural than just blasting them with unsolicited in mail right.

00:04:17.391 --> 00:04:19.559
There are three things that you want to do every single day.

00:04:19.559 --> 00:04:23.877
You want to get exposure, you want to get credibility and you want to get more meetings on LinkedIn.

00:04:23.877 --> 00:04:25.956
If you want exposure, you have to post.

00:04:25.956 --> 00:04:28.439
My recommendation is post once a day on LinkedIn.

00:04:28.439 --> 00:04:30.658
A post usually expires after 24 hours.

00:04:30.658 --> 00:04:33.257
So you want to make sure that you're posting at least once a day.

00:04:34.110 --> 00:04:35.550
Commenting will get you credibility.

00:04:35.550 --> 00:04:36.232

00:04:36.232 --> 00:04:38.033
Because people will see that you're a real person.

00:04:38.033 --> 00:04:41.117
You're leaving comments on LinkedIn and, yes, those appear on your profile.

00:04:41.117 --> 00:04:48.925
They appear on the person's profile the author where you're leaving the post, but they also roll up into the feed and your connections see your comments as well.

00:04:48.925 --> 00:04:56.713
And then the third thing is if you want meetings, you need to send direct messages to people to book those meetings behind the scenes.

00:04:56.713 --> 00:05:00.000
So you need to do all three posting, engaging and messaging if you want exposure, credibility and you want meetings.

00:05:00.000 --> 00:05:02.223
But each one has a different function.

00:05:02.223 --> 00:05:05.079
The function of a post is to get you that exposure.

00:05:05.079 --> 00:05:08.574
The function of a comment is to get you the credibility to show that you're real.

00:05:08.574 --> 00:05:14.158
And the function of a message is for you to build that relationship so that you can actually have a conversation on the phone.

00:05:15.531 --> 00:05:15.951
I love it.

00:05:15.951 --> 00:05:17.737
That makes perfect sense.

00:05:17.737 --> 00:05:23.713
I agree 100%, and I think LinkedIn has been investing pretty heavily in AI themselves.

00:05:23.713 --> 00:05:28.944
So what have you noticed and seen related to that?

00:05:29.750 --> 00:05:34.081
Well, linkedin is investing in using AI, but the AI that they have is very generic.

00:05:34.081 --> 00:05:39.898
So if you tell, hey, draft me a post, it's going to draft you like a paragraph that's extremely generic that you would never want to post.

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It's also not going to prepare a hook for you.

00:05:42.257 --> 00:05:45.119
It's not going to prepare main points, call to action.

00:05:45.119 --> 00:05:46.516
It's not going to give you hashtags.

00:05:46.516 --> 00:05:56.084
Our tool, evie AI, is built into LinkedIn but knows who you are and then it drafts posts with hooks, main points, call to action, hashtags.

00:05:56.084 --> 00:06:00.754
Also, linkedin, when it suggests a comment, it says great post.

00:06:00.754 --> 00:06:08.017
That's their comment For me, when I suggest a comment, I'll suggest a paragraph of information related to who you are and how it ties into the post.

00:06:08.439 --> 00:06:12.117
You can also add calls to action inside your comments embedded.

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So, for example, if I want to promote my demo of EVAI or my school community or my latest book or my upcoming webinar, I can incorporate that into both the comments, the direct messages and even into posts with a click of a button.

00:06:25.730 --> 00:06:27.754
So it sounds like exactly.

00:06:27.754 --> 00:06:30.482
I just put it in there and it's completely related to the post.

00:06:31.451 --> 00:06:34.216
That's awesome and you've had pretty good success.

00:06:34.216 --> 00:06:41.293
Just, I like to see when people walk the walk, if you will, and you have almost 50,000 people following you on LinkedIn.

00:06:41.293 --> 00:06:44.541
You've used these sorts of strategies to get there right.

00:06:45.290 --> 00:06:48.379
You can have up to 30,000 connections on LinkedIn.

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Every connection becomes a follower automatically.

00:06:51.379 --> 00:06:57.862
I'm turning over my followers now and basically removing the old ones and adding new ones that are more engaged.

00:06:57.862 --> 00:07:02.264
So I go through them and I just remove a couple every single day and I add a couple new every single day.

00:07:02.264 --> 00:07:05.458
I have over a thousand people waiting to connect with me on LinkedIn.

00:07:05.458 --> 00:07:15.177
I would say that using the tools to make sure that you're posting, engaging and messaging on LinkedIn every day will help you be able to not just have more quantity, but also more quality.

00:07:15.177 --> 00:07:16.459
I don't believe in going viral.

00:07:16.459 --> 00:07:18.185
I believe in being strategic.

00:07:18.185 --> 00:07:21.898
So the right 1,000 people will help you generate millions of dollars in revenue.

00:07:21.898 --> 00:07:26.017
So I always tell people don't worry about having 50,000 followers.

00:07:26.017 --> 00:07:33.778
Concern yourself with having the right 1,000 connections, and that'll help you build trust and get the right clients in the door.

00:07:33.778 --> 00:07:36.718
I was always a fan of getting 1,000 people in the door.

00:07:36.718 --> 00:07:38.435
Now I happen to have 50,000.

00:07:38.435 --> 00:07:44.738
Millions of people.

00:07:44.738 --> 00:07:47.026
The goal is to have the right 1,000 people.

00:07:47.026 --> 00:07:47.755
That's awesome.

00:07:47.817 --> 00:07:51.466
So other than use EVAI, which you shared some awesome things about.

00:07:51.466 --> 00:08:02.146
What are the top two or three additional things that you would share today that people should be doing with LinkedIn and with AI to be successful?

00:08:02.814 --> 00:08:05.512
Number one is make sure that you're adding connections every single day.

00:08:05.512 --> 00:08:07.158
Most people are not adding connections.

00:08:07.158 --> 00:08:09.805
When you send a connection, make sure to add a connection note.

00:08:09.805 --> 00:08:21.601
Evai will write that note for you if you want, or you can write it yourself, but you want to be sending out at least 20 connections every single day to new people so that you can expand your network every day and do it strategically.

00:08:22.154 --> 00:08:27.483
The second thing you want to make sure that you're doing is that you're actually looking at your notifications.

00:08:27.483 --> 00:08:38.548
There's a lot of great information in your notifications when people's birthdays, are their anniversaries, when they change jobs, also who posted recently in your network that you might be wanting to follow.

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And so making sure that you're looking at your notifications, you're paying attention to that, seeing what's going on there and staying top of mind with people is going to be key.

00:08:46.245 --> 00:08:56.019
And then the third thing I would tell you is, if I look at most people's profiles on LinkedIn, they're under-optimized, which means that they don't really have information in their headline that makes sense.

00:08:56.019 --> 00:08:58.912
They don't really have call to action in their about section.

00:08:58.912 --> 00:09:00.135
It's not organized properly.

00:09:00.135 --> 00:09:11.138
They don't have recommendations, they don't have endorsements, and so make sure that your profile has a great banner, has a great photo, has a great headline that says who you help and how you help them.

00:09:11.138 --> 00:09:15.695
Every AI will help craft your headline and your about section for you.

00:09:16.115 --> 00:09:21.557
But make sure that you have a solid profile, because if I Google your name, I Google people's names all the time.

00:09:21.557 --> 00:09:22.840
By the way, I'm a professional Googler.

00:09:22.840 --> 00:09:27.258
When I Google someone's name, what's the first thing you think comes up on Google?

00:09:27.258 --> 00:09:32.287
In your case, your LinkedIn comes up number one, instagram number two, tiktok number three.

00:09:32.287 --> 00:09:33.590
That's in your case, eric.

00:09:33.590 --> 00:09:39.607
But many people they don't even know what comes up in Google because they haven't been Googling themselves.

00:09:39.607 --> 00:09:45.508
But if I take a look at most people, they don't have an optimized profile and they're number one on Google, so it just looks bad.

00:09:45.508 --> 00:09:47.118
So make sure that you optimize your profile.

00:09:47.118 --> 00:09:49.482
So those are the three things that I would tell you to do.

00:09:50.345 --> 00:09:51.005
Awesome advice.

00:09:51.005 --> 00:09:56.044
Where do you think things are going with LinkedIn and AI in the next six to 12 months?

00:09:56.044 --> 00:09:57.028
Do you have any predictions?

00:09:57.495 --> 00:10:08.085
I think personalization is going to be next level when you sit there and see the ability for me to create personalized personas for each person, each contact, every AI is going to.

00:10:08.085 --> 00:10:11.422
Right now, if I click a button, I can summarize your entire profile.

00:10:11.422 --> 00:10:14.621
So could you imagine if I wanted to send you an email, instead of me sending you a generic email?

00:10:14.621 --> 00:10:27.900
I could send you an email about the fact that you're helping top performing companies 3X their success, about how you specialize in tripling companies, how you served as a board member, and I could list out the organizations where you're a board member.

00:10:27.900 --> 00:10:31.126
I served as a board member and I could list out the organizations where you're a board member.

00:10:31.126 --> 00:10:37.037
I could talk all the different things, all the keynotes that you do, the podcast, everything that you're doing.

00:10:37.037 --> 00:10:39.626
I can speak to that, especially that you were the top B2B marketer influencer in 2022.

00:10:39.626 --> 00:10:40.671
I can mention all that with a click of a button.

00:10:40.671 --> 00:10:42.918
So I see hyper-personalization as that's where we're going.

00:10:43.961 --> 00:10:45.544
Yeah, I think that's right.

00:11:03.264 --> 00:11:05.046
For the 10,000 people who are using EVAI.

00:11:05.046 --> 00:11:06.287
That's a pretty big sample.

00:11:06.287 --> 00:11:12.764
If you're lucky, our clients are seeing an 1800% increase in profile views.

00:11:12.764 --> 00:11:17.119
They're getting to use LinkedIn more, so it used to be that people wouldn't leave zero comments.

00:11:17.119 --> 00:11:24.511
Now they're leaving five to 10 comments every single day the posts that are showing up on the feed alone, which is giving them a lot more credibility.

00:11:24.511 --> 00:11:31.602
They're sending out more connection requests, they're posting more often and, as a result, they're getting more exposure, more credibility and, ultimately, more meetings.

00:11:31.735 --> 00:11:32.900
I think that makes sense.

00:11:32.900 --> 00:11:36.904
I tried to actually go through and do three to five comments a day manually.

00:11:36.904 --> 00:11:40.043
It was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

00:11:40.043 --> 00:11:44.775
Just to be honest with you, I'm not trying to sell EVAI, but that was just.

00:11:44.775 --> 00:11:46.298
If you try to do it yourself, anyone, but that was just.

00:11:46.298 --> 00:11:46.918
If you try to do it yourself.

00:11:46.918 --> 00:11:48.019
Anyone listening you'll see how hard it is.

00:11:48.019 --> 00:11:50.182
So I know we're just about out of time.

00:11:50.182 --> 00:11:51.102
Any final thoughts?

00:11:52.244 --> 00:11:55.407
I just want to let you know that the secret to living is giving.

00:11:55.407 --> 00:11:59.932
Dropping a comment on someone's post is actually a form of giving.

00:11:59.932 --> 00:12:05.246
You're doing the person a favor, because when you comment on someone's post, their post goes further in the algorithm.

00:12:05.246 --> 00:12:07.623
So I'm going to go to Eric's post right now.

00:12:07.623 --> 00:12:15.344
He just posted something on LinkedIn five days ago and, by the way, eric, I recommend posting every day but you posted five days ago.

00:12:15.404 --> 00:12:16.008
I'm going to give it a look.

00:12:16.008 --> 00:12:18.898
I'm not just going to give it a regular look, I'm going to give it a light bulb like.

00:12:18.898 --> 00:12:25.168
And then I'm going to have Evie AI draft a comment that includes a demo of Evie AI.

00:12:25.168 --> 00:12:39.442
With one click of a button as I'm talking right now, I'm able to leave a demo of Evie AI, just like that, and that allows people to be able to see exactly what I'm doing, because I don't have to sit here and copy and paste something in.

00:12:39.442 --> 00:12:43.863
It literally ties it directly in to the conversation that you're having.

00:12:43.863 --> 00:12:49.360
Jeffrey Klein's insights on credibility versus relatability are crucial for B2B branding and blah, blah, blah.

00:12:49.360 --> 00:12:51.788
And it puts in a demo of EVAI right there in the comments.

00:12:51.788 --> 00:12:55.384
So what I want you to realize is that the secret to living is giving.

00:12:55.384 --> 00:12:59.504
Giving is the key and dropping comments is a form of giving.

00:12:59.504 --> 00:13:02.720
So make sure you drop more comments and do more people a favor.

00:13:02.720 --> 00:13:04.225
Get their content out there more.

00:13:05.595 --> 00:13:07.019
I agree 100%.

00:13:07.019 --> 00:13:08.163
Thank you very much, joe.

00:13:08.163 --> 00:13:09.355
We appreciate you being on the show.

00:13:09.355 --> 00:13:14.147
I'm going to link to your website so people can check out EVAI and learn more about this.

00:13:14.147 --> 00:13:17.682
Follow you so they can see all your tips every day on LinkedIn.

00:13:17.682 --> 00:13:19.187
Thanks so much for joining us.

00:13:19.187 --> 00:13:19.916
We appreciate it.

00:13:20.477 --> 00:13:21.500
Thank you very much for having me.

00:13:21.500 --> 00:13:22.582
I'll see you soon, boom.

Joe Apfelbaum Profile Photo

Joe Apfelbaum


Joe Apfelbaum is the CEO of Ajax Union, a B2B digital marketing agency based in Brooklyn, NY. Joe is a business strategist, marketing expert and certified Google trainer. Joe is the Author five books including High Energy Networking, A book about how you can get anything in life from your relationships. Joe is a LinkedIn Trainer and AI expert and he has trained over 1000 companies on how to leverage LinkedIn. When he is not Mojovating entrepreneurs at events and on social media, he chills in New Jersey with his 5 kids.

New for 2024 go to www.evyai.com and check out our LinkedIn AI assistant.

Now you can write comments with AI, write posts in your voice with AI, reply to direct messages and more!