July 19, 2024

Getting to $100 Million in Sales with Demand Generation

Speed is Everything in Marketing and Finding the Pain Customers are Running Away From is Key

Unlock the secret to accelerating your business growth by tuning into our conversation with Don Markland, CEO and founder of Accountability Now. Discover why prioritizing lead generation is the cornerstone of immediate cash flow and long-term success. Don shares his entrepreneurial journey, offering practical examples and proven strategies that underscore the importance of targeting high-intent traffic. Learn how to avoid the common pitfall of sinking resources into branding and marketing without seeing results and build a solid financial foundation first.

In the latter part of our episode, Don sheds light on the common mistakes entrepreneurs make and emphasizes the power of seeking support and expanding your vision. He challenges the notion that entrepreneurs must go it alone and encourages embracing assistance and chasing bigger, more ambitious goals. This episode is packed with actionable advice on demand generation strategy and insights that could have a massive impact on the growth of your business.

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00:00 - Marketing, Branding, Lead Generation Differences

16:33 - Embracing Support and Growth



00:00:00.059 --> 00:00:01.927
Welcome to today's episode.

00:00:01.927 --> 00:00:09.333
Today, we are talking about the difference between marketing, branding and demand generation.

00:00:09.333 --> 00:00:13.987
What are the differences, why is it important and what should you prioritize?

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And we have a great guest to help us talk through that.

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It is Don Markland, and he is a seasoned entrepreneur, executive coach, marketer and sales guru.

00:00:26.134 --> 00:00:26.815
Welcome to the show.

00:00:28.019 --> 00:00:30.106
Hey Eric, Thank you so much for having me on.

00:00:30.106 --> 00:00:31.550
I'm super excited to be here.

00:00:32.981 --> 00:00:40.070
So why don't we start out by you sharing just a minute or two with people about who you are, what you do, what you've done?

00:00:41.180 --> 00:00:42.143
I'd love to Eric.

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I'm the CEO and founder of Accountability Now.

00:00:44.570 --> 00:01:08.013
I'd love to Eric I'm the CEO and founder of Accountability Now.

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We are a business coaching firm.

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I actually don't even take private clients anymore.

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We have five coaches on our team and we work with clients all over the world.

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Our kind of claim to fame is we work with people from back of the napkin to 10 million and my career was.

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I was originally started in call centers thinking I was going to be some middle management call center executive my whole life until I found a kind of a different purpose.

00:01:15.844 --> 00:01:23.123
My wife went through cancer and we went through that and we had a whole other perspective of what we wanted to do with our life.

00:01:23.123 --> 00:01:37.840
And after jumping into entrepreneurship and experiencing that and being able to participate in an exit and seeing what that was like, we built this business accountability now and it's been wonderful.

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And now we really focused our whole business on helping businesses grow on scale off of the principles that we know apply to our whole business, on helping businesses grow on scale off of the principles that we know apply to our own business.

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And we've done it our own entrepreneur's journey and it's really exciting, it's really fun.

00:01:52.724 --> 00:01:56.501
I love that the first 10 million is always the hardest 10 million right.

00:01:57.123 --> 00:01:59.368
The first, from zero to one, is your hardest.

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And then you go like the milestones are from zero to one are hard, and from one to three is your next milestone and we've got these three awards.

00:02:09.248 --> 00:02:11.045
There's a company called ClickFunnels.

00:02:11.045 --> 00:02:15.151
They're an amazing software provider for sales funnels.

00:02:15.151 --> 00:02:28.668
We've won three different what's called a two comma club award, which means we've generated a million dollars through one specific offer, through their funnel, and it's all driven through marketing.

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So we, because we understand how the traffic works and the conversion process works, we've been able to win a million dollars through these funnels three different ways and it's been awesome and love it.

00:02:42.300 --> 00:02:45.748
So tell us a story about some of the best marketing you've done.

00:02:45.748 --> 00:02:50.385
I think in building some of these funnels you've even won a three comma award.

00:02:50.727 --> 00:03:05.133
Let's hear a story about some of the best marketing you've done there so the biggest thing and it's what you let in to this whole conversation is the difference between brand marketing, marketing and lead generation.

00:03:05.133 --> 00:03:08.849
And I know your listeners run into this.

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I know because so many people get frustrated because they go hire an agency or they go spend money on their own Google ads and they're like this doesn't work and they get really frustrated by all this wasted money.

00:03:22.850 --> 00:03:32.069
And it's because they're spending money on branding or marketing, expecting lead generation results.

00:03:32.069 --> 00:03:36.245
And there are very, three, very different things.

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Branding is when you're spending money to position yourself as an authority, like PR or podcasting or things like that are brand focused.

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Marketing is when I'm trying to position myself in the right position in front of congregation points, my market, so that they can see me and so that when they are ready to buy then they can take that.

00:04:03.604 --> 00:04:06.292
But again, that's not necessarily lead generation.

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Lead generation is intentionally trying to take advantage of high intent like Google ads, really high intent things.

00:04:15.301 --> 00:04:17.206
That's not meta ads, very different.

00:04:17.206 --> 00:04:22.947
And so we realized that different branding, marketing and lead generation.

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And I tell every single one of my clients, as well as any of your listeners start, I would tell them, start with lead generation, don't worry about branding.

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Don't worry about marketing.

00:04:33.906 --> 00:04:35.735
We're about lead generation.

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First, let's get cashflow in your business now and start that process, and then we will expand the other ones over time and watch what happens when you do that.

00:04:50.730 --> 00:04:51.872
I think that makes a lot of sense.

00:04:51.872 --> 00:05:04.339
I've always come from the demand generation side myself and have shared advice with people along similar lines of hey, when you're starting out, the temptation is to put like you're.

00:05:04.339 --> 00:05:06.661
Lot of people disagree with putting like zero in branding.

00:05:06.661 --> 00:05:23.028
I'm like okay, not zero, but keep it to 10% to, like you said, get the cash coming in the demand generation side.

00:05:23.069 --> 00:05:26.600
That's right, and the reason why is because we get so obsessed with vanity metrics.

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It's so obsessed with how we look or the likes or the follows or all these things, and at the end of the day, none of it matters.

00:05:35.778 --> 00:05:55.062
When in my financial services firm, which we grew to 89 million before we sold to private equity, we realized that almost 70% of our traffic we were able to get from unbranded affiliate partners that didn't know who we were at all.

00:05:55.062 --> 00:05:57.257
It was all lead generation traffic.

00:05:57.257 --> 00:06:04.598
And I had people telling me all the time Don, you're crazy, these people don't know who you are, there's no branding, there's no marketing.

00:06:04.598 --> 00:06:09.197
And I said you're right, it's all lead gen, we're 89 million and you're not.

00:06:09.197 --> 00:06:10.550
Who's the idiot right?

00:06:10.550 --> 00:06:18.440
So, like, focus on what drives cashflow and then you can expand the other area, not the other way.

00:06:19.512 --> 00:06:27.817
I think some people said, like you have to have a 10% or so of your effort on branding because you have to have, like, at least a reasonable logo or at least a reasonable homepage.

00:06:27.817 --> 00:06:38.617
I'm like, okay, that's fine, take a small percentage of your time to do that, but share a little bit about how you've done it yourself and or how you've done it for some of your clients.

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How do you get going in the lead generation side and have success there?

00:06:42.737 --> 00:06:52.259
We always start, so we one of the first things we always start with is we do a little exercise of trying to find out not so much about your ideal customer.

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Try to find out what type of pain your customer is moving away from.

00:07:00.434 --> 00:07:12.031
It's a great exercise because when we start with the cliche exercise of who's your ideal customer, that's a trap and all of your customers, all of your listeners, are doing this right now.

00:07:12.031 --> 00:07:20.278
You run into the trap of who's my ideal customer and they all start to go I want somebody that's got money, that shows up and is ready to buy.

00:07:20.278 --> 00:07:24.550
Right, okay, that is not an ideal customer, of course.

00:07:24.550 --> 00:07:32.942
Everybody just wants somebody that shows up, ready to buy, and that's the trap young entrepreneurs or early entry entrepreneurs run into.

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They are trying to just think of people with money.

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The goal is not thinking about people only with money, ready to buy.

00:07:42.341 --> 00:07:48.142
The goal is think about what pain they are trying to move away from.

00:07:48.142 --> 00:07:54.935
You can find a person with enough frustration and emotional pain you can solve.

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They will bring the money.

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They will find the money.

00:07:57.773 --> 00:08:00.237
Start there.

00:08:00.939 --> 00:08:04.927
Then, step two go and get the vanity url.

00:08:04.927 --> 00:08:06.851
Why branding isn't as important?

00:08:06.851 --> 00:08:14.735
They'll go get a url that is called after their name, they'll get their url after their business name is meaningless.

00:08:14.735 --> 00:08:15.598
They don't know who you are.

00:08:15.598 --> 00:08:23.004
I would rather you have a vanity URL, like, for example, in our firm, like my company is called accountability.

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Now, right, we're a business coaching firm.

00:08:25.235 --> 00:08:33.460
We do individual coaching and life coaching and all these things One of our best places to find your coach or not to self-promote here.

00:08:33.460 --> 00:08:36.311
But I'll just speak to a real exercise.

00:08:36.311 --> 00:08:41.482
One of the biggest problems people have is finding a coach is a miserable exercise.

00:08:41.482 --> 00:08:43.875
That's the pain they want to move from right.

00:08:43.875 --> 00:08:45.038
It's so frustrating.

00:08:45.038 --> 00:08:55.364
So we own the vanity URL myidealcom and if you go to myidealcoachcom, we have AI set up.

00:08:55.364 --> 00:08:58.038
We'll find your ideal coach for you in four minutes.

00:08:58.038 --> 00:09:02.840
Just take this quick assessment and we have AI that'll find your ideal coach for you in a minute.

00:09:02.840 --> 00:09:03.981
There you go.

00:09:03.981 --> 00:09:04.724
It's real simple.

00:09:04.724 --> 00:09:07.996
Now that's lead generation.

00:09:07.996 --> 00:09:10.714
You go to.

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You find the pain you want to move them from.

00:09:12.437 --> 00:09:15.663
Get them to your sales funnel and it'll solve it.

00:09:15.663 --> 00:09:18.597
And we don't have that branded in any way.

00:09:18.597 --> 00:09:20.011
They don't know what's accountability Now.

00:09:20.011 --> 00:09:21.990
They don't know Don Marklin, they don't know anything.

00:09:22.330 --> 00:09:41.475
All they know is this is the pain moving them away yeah, I actually agree the icp versus the pain, because the pain point that you're solving that is what determines if people have a willingness to pay or a desire.

00:09:41.495 --> 00:09:45.639
Amen exactly right, that's exactly they will find the money.

00:09:45.639 --> 00:09:57.962
I the one of the metaphors we use when we're talking about playing the movie of 127 hours 147 hours Pain is bad enough to cut off your arm.

00:09:57.962 --> 00:10:02.666
No one would really ever cut off their arm in general.

00:10:02.666 --> 00:10:04.822
You would if your life depended on it.

00:10:04.822 --> 00:10:08.955
So if you have bad enough pain, they will find the money.

00:10:09.235 --> 00:10:18.937
If you have bad enough pain, they will find the money, and so you've been able to run some million dollar, multimillion dollar demand gen campaigns.

00:10:18.937 --> 00:10:21.339
Talk about some of the ones that you're most proud of.

00:10:21.399 --> 00:10:51.409
I'm curious, and that's where the beauty of automation comes in, and we are really big on creating an automation process because when you're starting out as an entrepreneur, you don't have any money, don't have any budget, can't hire a team, you can't hire hundreds of people texting, instagram messaging and voicemail drops.

00:10:51.409 --> 00:11:08.995
Everything occurs seamlessly and doesn't feel like marketing, feels like engagement, so that when somebody goes to myidealcookcom, they feel like they're engaging with somebody for a very long time before they're even introduced to their team.

00:11:08.995 --> 00:11:14.902
And that's because in today's day and age, speed is everything.

00:11:14.902 --> 00:11:19.495
If your listeners could listen to anything and take away anything, they should write down.

00:11:19.495 --> 00:11:21.381
Don Mark was the smartest person I've ever known.

00:11:21.381 --> 00:11:22.065
They'll write down that.

00:11:22.065 --> 00:11:25.205
They should also write down that speed is everything.

00:11:25.934 --> 00:11:27.442
We live in an ADHD world.

00:11:27.442 --> 00:11:28.678
We live in a TikTok world.

00:11:28.678 --> 00:11:29.301
They've got Eric.

00:11:29.301 --> 00:11:30.183
You are brilliant.

00:11:30.183 --> 00:11:33.378
Like you said earlier, don, I like a 15 minute podcast.

00:11:33.378 --> 00:11:35.962
Nobody has attention, spot on.

00:11:35.962 --> 00:11:40.697
So somebody fills out your leave form or says they have interest.

00:11:40.697 --> 00:11:43.344
You better be on top of them within 30 seconds.

00:11:43.344 --> 00:11:59.240
The text and an email and a Facebook message, instagram message, snapchat, and we set up automation through all of it so that they can feel omnipresence around them and we are absolutely engaged and it's all done through a machine.

00:11:59.240 --> 00:12:01.020
I feel like they're a part of the family.

00:12:02.534 --> 00:12:06.442
Yeah, so I've studied over the years Russell Brunson and what he's done with ClickFunnels.

00:12:06.442 --> 00:12:17.326
He built like a $200 million company and a lot of people said, oh, that's just like spammy stuff for info marketers and I was like I don't think so I think he's found something that is very important.

00:12:17.326 --> 00:12:18.758
It's exactly what you just said.

00:12:18.758 --> 00:12:27.041
Was he really just helps people build a good process to walk people through marketing?

00:12:27.041 --> 00:12:31.662
And then the sale that is highly efficient, that's fast, that automates it, all of those things you just said right.

00:12:31.662 --> 00:12:31.581
Yeah, let me I.

00:12:31.581 --> 00:12:34.301
Then the sale that is highly efficient, that's fast, that automates it, all of those things you just said right.

00:12:34.964 --> 00:12:36.208
Yeah, let me I'll speak to that.

00:12:36.208 --> 00:12:43.927
So Russell Brunson he has a particular style that is very internet marketing, heavy sales copy.

00:12:43.927 --> 00:12:52.970
That is his particular style, right, but the method, the modality that he can be adjusted and reapplied.

00:12:52.970 --> 00:12:56.115
So we've used it in mental health care.

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So we've used it in psychiatry for companies there.

00:12:59.102 --> 00:13:04.602
We've used it in chiropractic, we use it in dental health, we've used it in coaching.

00:13:04.602 --> 00:13:17.160
We've used it in home services, we've used it in hvac services, where it was the exact same automation process but without the heavy sales copy.

00:13:17.160 --> 00:13:24.260
It was just the modality was the same but the tone and style was a little bit different and the conversions were still the same.

00:13:24.260 --> 00:13:42.263
And so sometimes people watch what Russell Brunson does because of his style and they get turned off and what they're missing is the modality, is what he's promoting, and that's where the wisdom is so valuable is.

00:13:42.943 --> 00:13:46.409
We use there's a few people that we follow.

00:13:46.409 --> 00:13:48.763
This is probably good advice for your listeners.

00:13:48.763 --> 00:13:51.159
We use a lot of.

00:13:51.159 --> 00:13:54.047
We absolutely love Russell Brunson's work.

00:13:54.047 --> 00:13:54.467
We love it.

00:13:54.467 --> 00:13:56.280
We love Myron Golden.

00:13:56.280 --> 00:13:57.821
We follow Myron Golden's work.

00:13:57.821 --> 00:13:58.423
We love his.

00:13:58.423 --> 00:14:01.182
There's a salesperson named Jeremy Miner.

00:14:01.182 --> 00:14:02.942
We listen and train on his stuff a lot.

00:14:02.942 --> 00:14:06.345
Jeremy trains sales resistance a lot.

00:14:06.345 --> 00:14:09.523
We also follow Don Margland a lot.

00:14:09.523 --> 00:14:10.346
We love my stuff.

00:14:10.346 --> 00:14:11.029
We follow my stuff a lot.

00:14:11.029 --> 00:14:11.599
We love my stuff.

00:14:11.599 --> 00:14:11.740
Can we do?

00:14:11.740 --> 00:14:15.725
We follow my stuff and we just are constantly training and rebranding.

00:14:16.615 --> 00:14:26.409
So I think you've given people some really practical tips on how to get to running million dollar demand generation campaigns, which is really great.

00:14:26.409 --> 00:14:33.700
Before I let you off the hook, I wanted to ask you a question, because you are the number one business coaching firm in the world.

00:14:33.700 --> 00:14:34.982
Does that?

00:14:34.982 --> 00:14:37.067
Does everyone need a business coach?

00:14:38.317 --> 00:14:49.937
great question and I'll just be a little self-serving, but, um, first of all, there is a scientific law called the law of entropy, which says anything left unto itself is in a constant state.

00:14:49.937 --> 00:14:54.703
That's science, like this chair I'm sitting in is constantly getting older.

00:14:54.703 --> 00:14:57.081
Right, we are constantly aging.

00:14:57.081 --> 00:14:58.860
Everything is always getting older.

00:14:58.860 --> 00:15:03.861
Yes, in that standpoint, everybody should be working with some sort of a coach.

00:15:03.861 --> 00:15:20.126
I have my own coach, even though I think I'm the smartest guy in the world, and I have my own coach, and so I would tell every business owner if you're not working with a coach the smartest guy in the world, and I have my own company, and so I would tell every business owner if you're not working with a coach, you're not moving as fast as you can, and it isn't as expensive as you think that it is.

00:15:20.126 --> 00:15:35.216
Every great business that you admire, I guarantee you has a guarantee you should be, and it will change your business and change the way that you work Awesome.

00:15:35.537 --> 00:15:37.241
Final thoughts from Don Marklin today.

00:15:37.241 --> 00:15:39.567
Anything I didn't ask you, you wanted to share.

00:15:40.414 --> 00:15:45.995
The number one mistake that your listeners make is that they think they have to do everything on their own.

00:15:45.995 --> 00:15:48.638
Don't Get help.

00:15:48.638 --> 00:15:51.260
Think bigger and go after it.

00:15:51.260 --> 00:15:52.662
I love that you're doing this, Eric.

00:15:52.662 --> 00:15:57.746
I wish on my very first business, podcasting wasn't a thing in the early 2000s.

00:15:57.746 --> 00:15:59.048
Make a mistake.

00:15:59.048 --> 00:16:00.789
I love that you have this vehicle.

00:16:00.789 --> 00:16:05.578
It's really awesome and I love what you're doing.

00:16:05.599 --> 00:16:07.062
Thank you very much for being with us today.

00:16:07.062 --> 00:16:15.431
Appreciate it, and I'm going to link to your website so people can get more of these great insights and connect with you and your team if they'd like to do.

00:16:15.431 --> 00:16:16.496
Thanks again for being on the show.

00:16:16.496 --> 00:16:17.961
Thank you so much, eric.

00:16:17.961 --> 00:16:18.443
Great work.

Don Markland Profile Photo

Don Markland


I can grow your business through dramatic sales process improvement, dynamic leadership, and operational, digital marketing, and tactical enhancement. I've proven this over a 22+ year career in executive business strategy that translates into real-time financial results.

Recently, I’ve worked with clients across the globe helping them grow their sales teams from 0-1 to over 350 high performing agents. I helped a recent client grow from $200K in ARR to $6M in under 12mo.

My philosophy stems on four core principles: (1) have a bias towards action; (2) daily, weekly, and monthly accountability with myself and team members drives the business; (3) continuous learning (read 60+ books a year); (4) 3X Value always returns profit in the end (Go-Giver principle). We implement these systems in your business from day one: Action, Accountability System, Daily Learning, and Increased Value.

This is why recently a client said “Working with Don was like a magical sales potion. Almost instantly, we had a custom sales structure, scripting, and a follow up plan that produced amazing results.”

As a Sr. Sales and Marketing executive, I’ve managed international operations in multiple countries (U.S., Philippines, El Salvador, Bulgaria, Mexico, India, Jamaica, and Guatemala) with revenues of $100M+. I’ve had a long track record of consistent revenue growth:

- 411Locals (36% EBIDTA revenue growth)
- MoneySolver (+30% EBIDTA revenue growth)
- Focus Services (+20% EBIDTA revenue growth)
- Launch Leads (+240% EBIDTA revenue growth)

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